Anything that challenges their narrative, even from what they consider trusted outlets by their own definition using an unchanged headline from the original article, gets removed.

Never posted on r/worldnews before and got permabanned for this. The mods there truly are genocidal neoliberal fascists. Boycott Western media.

    6 months ago

    I’m sure I’m gonna get shit for this, but…

    An article of the actual event was on the front page of /r/worldnews for several days. Who her family happens to ascribe blame to doesn’t sound even remotely news-worthy to me - they have exactly as much information as anyone else

    I don’t think it warrants a ban, but I also don’t think the article belongs 🤷‍♂️

      16 months ago

      It’s also flared as being covered by other news articles. Not worth a ban, but people’s feeds shouldn’t be filled with every news article for every event, so I’d agree with the post being un-needed.

      -16 months ago

      It might have also been removed since world news (last time I was on it a few years ago) does not allow United States specific news. Since they’re Americans speaking in America I suspect that might fall under that rule.

  • Amoxtli
    6 months ago

    What do you expect from Reddit? Each Subreddit has millions of rules. It is like walking on a field of landmines. They even censor the names of certain politicians in a Subreddit is that totally relevant for. For example, you can’t mention the name of a governor of a state, in which the state is subject of the subRedditt. Redditt is ONLY for “clique-based communities.” It is a fascist news aggregator posing as something legitimate. They also don’t allow new user accounts posting or doing anything unless you pass their Shittitt qualifications. The mods mischaracterize you and your arguments in order to ban you.