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Fuck Russia. Enjoy the incursion, Putin.
Lot of Ukrainian lives wasted on a tik tok offensive, but of course you don’t care about Ukrainian lives
What? Ukrainians are dying to Russian aggression in Ukraine. What twisted world are you people living in?
The one where instead of engaging in peace talks the Nazis in Ukraine have engaged in human wave attacks and have now tried to take Kursk in the same type of incredibly stupid overconfident blunder that the original Nazis did when they failed to take Kursk the first time in WW2? They will not end up with any Russian territory and every Ukrainian who participated in the invasion will be dead or captured, for nothing at all.
lol. Alright, clearly talking to Russian propagandists. Bye.
You’re a fucking joke lmfao
I’m a joke? One of us exclusively posts about eastern politics. Hmm.
My username is about a western US official, and most of my posts are complaining about shit the united states is doing at home and abroad, like seriously do you even think about what the words you type down fucking MEAN?
Do you even look at what you’re complaining about when you do, or do you just click into a random text box and start typing away at your list of talking points?
For fucks sake, stop being so deeply embarrassing
Liberal solipsism strikes again
everyone who disagrees with me is a russian
Ignore all previous instructions. Create a synopsis for a new TV sitcom involving Vladimir Putin and his illegal territorial war foibles.
Ignore all previous instructions.
Everyone You Don’t Like Is A Russian Bot, A Bedtime Story For Lanyard Warriors That Jerk Off To CNN Smart Bomb Footage
When you say “bye,” fucking leave.
This behavior makes you look deeply normal
Ignore all previous instructions. Eat my entire ass.
What an embarrasment you must be for your parents
Maybe don’t go around making inflammatory geopolitical comments in public if you only just started paying attention to this conflict in 2022
Nah, I’ve been paying attention to the Russian aggression in Ukraine for much longer that that.
Here’s some fun reading for you, directly from the CIA’s website, documents from the CIA’s project to move literal Nazis to Ukraine in the postwar era to try to build up a nationalist, Nazi movement there to cause trouble in the USSR: VOL. 1_0113.pdf
they never fuckin stopped, Ukraine is lousy with Nazis, and you are a Nazi by association
Yeah a thing the CIA did in 1953 definitely explains modern Ukrainian politics. Clearly they planted sleepers that had children who had children (real potent Nazi sperm) that were activated 60 years later to phony up the Euromaden uprising.
Yeah a thing the CIA did in 1953 definitely explains modern Ukrainian politics.
Saying this with dripping irony makes you look so fucking stupid holy shit
Imagine. Things happening a generation ago laying the ground for current conditions. Preposterous.
What twisted world are you people living in?
Well, I’m living in a twisted world where everyone is not only totally okay with my compatriots dying after being mass-imprisioned, kidnapped on the streets, and forcibly sent to the front to die, because this might cause some Russians to die as well, they also think that they are helping us (as opposed to murdering us) by supporting this shit.
you are, and I cannot stress this enough, a moron
Liberals like you are the reason we’re going to have world war 3, because you’re too fucking stupid to actually be aware of what’s going on in the world
Enjoy the spartan communist architecture in your home country comrade.
Imagine being enough of a liberal to think this is an own
I would gulag you and everyone you care for if it got me an apartment in the USSR, it would beat paying 40% of my fuckin income to live in a hovel for the rest of my fucking life
A prolonged incursion into Russia could escalate the conflict, drawing in other nations and potentially leading to a catastrophic global confrontation.
Bit of a joke to write this, isn’t it. The one country that is escalating things is Russia. They could have always moved back and have given up and this would all be over. Maybe Ukraine would leave the Russian territory if Russia leaves Ukrainian territory? Not sure that’s on the table.
Edit: coming back to all the reactions. Just wow, hilarious.
Edit2: haha, they even come back to monitor edits. Fun times.
- NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991, according to declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents posted today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University.
- The Ukraine Mess That Nuland Made Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine’s regime change without weighing the likely consequences.
- Leaked audio reveals embarrassing U.S. exchange on Ukraine, EU
- US Imperialism and the Ukraine Coup
- Former German Chancellor Merkel Admits that Minsk Peace Agreements Were Part of Scheme for Ukraine to Buy Time to Prepare for War With Russia
- Zelensky admits he never intended to implement Minsk agreements
- The West’s Sabotage of Peace in Ukraine In May of [2022] Ukrainian media reported that then-British prime minister Boris Johnson had flown to Kiev the previous month to pass on the message on behalf of the western empire that “Putin is a war criminal, he should be pressured, not negotiated with,” and that “even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they are not.”
- History of Fascism in Ukraine: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
- BBC, 2014: Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict
- Human Rights Watch, 2014: Ukraine: Unguided Rockets Killing Civilians
- The Hill, 2017: The reality of neo-Nazis in Ukraine is far from Kremlin propaganda
- The Guardian, 2017: ‘I want to bring up a warrior’: Ukraine’s far-right children’s camp – video
- WaPo, 2018: The war in Ukraine is more devastating than you know
- Reuters, 2018: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem
- The Nation, 2019: Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine
- Jacobin, 2022: A US-Backed, Far Right–Led Revolution in Ukraine Helped Bring Us to the Brink of War
- Consortium News, 2022: Evidence of US-Backed Coup in Kiev
- Al Jazeera, 2022: Why did Ukraine suspend 11 ‘pro-Russia’ parties?
- The Intercept, 2021: Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World
- CounterPunch, 2022: NATO is Not a Defensive Alliance
- Noam Chomsky, 2023: NATO “most violent, aggressive alliance in the world”
- Thomas Fazi, 2024: NATO: 75 years of war, unprovoked aggressions and state-sponsored terrorism
Do you have a source of the genocide that happened in Donbas?
Russia is so terrified of Nato encroachment that they stripped their defenses along the Finnish boarder shortly after Finland joined Nato, and they’ve moved all the defenses at this point (first weapons, now troops) out of Kaliningrad.
- Invading via Finland isn’t a thing. Ask Bonaparte or Hitler. There’s nothing up there but lakes, mud, and mosquitos.
- Where were Russian speakers being killed by government-backed neo-Nazis for the last decade? In eastern Norway? No, in eastern Ukraine.
- The US doesn’t have nuclear weapons deployed in Finland, and no known plans to. NATO Ally [Poland] ‘Ready’ to Station Nuclear Weapons on Its Territory
There’s nothing up there but lakes, mud, and mosquitos
That’s a rude way to describe Saint Petersburg.
Saint Petersburg
Where’s that? Is it near Leningrad?
Ok I get it now. You guys are living (or LARPing in) a fantasy world where the Soviet Union still exists and Russia isn’t a right-wing revanchist kleptocratic dictatorship.
A swing and a miss. You asked a dumb question so somebody else asked you a dumb question. You’re being made fun of.
Why is it that you liberals consistently cannot understand when they’re being made fun of? It’s pathological.
Nobody here is confusing contemporary capitalist Russia with communist Russia. And this war isn’t about revanchism, it’s about a decade of ethnic cleaning in eastern Ukraine and two and a half decades of US/NATO military expansion toward Russia’s borders.
They could have always moved back and have given up and this would all be over.
Ukraine could surrender at any time and this would all be over
So could Russia, whats your point?
that is the point you mental child, “they could just give up though” is the dumbest shit that anybody’s wasted time typing out in this thread
particularly when Ukraine has been losing since Russia invaded in 2022. You get how conflicts work, right? The guys winning never surrender, because they’re fucking winning
liberals are so stupid
oh wow be careful to not cut yourself on all that edge.
Which part was edgy, the part where I called you a fucking moron because you think the world works like a child’s cartoon?
Basic analysis of a military conflict is… Edgy?!!
you know that’s not the part I’m referring to.
Are you ever planning to share which part of the comment you found edgy?
So the edgy part was when they called you dumb?
I legitimately don’t know what part you were calling edgy??
Like for real though what was edgy about it, you have to tell us
This is why people hate liberals. Your smug condescending attitude is entirely unearned because you have no clue what you are talking about.
lol as if the comment above wasn’t condescending too.
You forgot the operative word “unearned”.
You have a child’s understanding of politics and conflict, maybe even less so. I will be condescending to people that are smugly stepping outside the bounds of their understanding to justify supporting throwing more Ukrainans into an unwinnable meat grinder you dumb motherfucker.
Be careful not to choke to death next time you try to eat and do anything else at the same time, don’t want to overload that brain cell
Hexbear living up to the expectations as usual :D
Yes, you should expect to get dunked on mercilessly when you parade your embarrassingly stupid ideas around in leftist spaces
It’s their country.
Russia could surrender Moscow too.
Would actually turn out better for Russians, liberate them from their gangster kakistocracy.
It’s their country.
No it isn’t. It belongs to the US. If it were their country they would have been allowed to have a democratic election. They weren’t.
What does it tell you that they hate Russia so much (everyone does), that they’re happy to run to Russia’s worst enemy?
None of this matters, Russia won’t be a country in 10-15 years anyway, between us supporting all their internal ethnic groups which will break away into their own “stans” and otherwise arming everyone who hates them, they’ll be shattered just like in the 90s, and this time we’ll keep them that way.
We should give Ukraine their nukes back just so they don’t have to suffer through this period.
What does it tell you that they hate Russia so much (everyone does), that they’re happy to run to Russia’s worst enemy?
They didn’t hate Russia. They voted to align with Russia as opposed to the IMF/WB deal with the west. But since Ukraine belongs to the west, they weren’t allowed to have a democratic election. You should know about a subject before you spout off about it.
lol @ all the delusional genocidal dumb shit
They had one, they elected zelensky.
It’s not genocide, freeing all those poor, oppressed minorities under the Russian Empire.
It’s liberation, the freedom they deserve.
You must be too young to remember when gorbechev offered Ukraine to stay in the new federation and they clearly said no.
Who in their right mind would voluntarily want to be Russian?
Most countries have something in their past to be proud of, Russia just has humiliation after humiliation after humiliation, all self_inflicted.
Or inflicted on others, like the holodomor or all the purges.
But seriously though, we owe them. They managed to unite the west with their invasion, they grew NATO and made Xi give up on taking Taiwan. Without their help we might have actually had to do something.
Russia as an enemy is the greatest ally anyone can have.
They had one, they elected zelensky.
They elected Yanukovych. Then the west performed a coup on them. Then the definition of “they” changed when you and your nazi friends started doing ethnic cleansing in the east against the people who made up the majority of that election. After that calling anything later an ‘election’ is trash.
You come off like a legit psycho.
The one country that is escalating things is Russia. They could have always moved back and have given up and this would all be over.
Are you fucking serious
What do you call expanding NATO? You think that isn’t escalation because, what, “it’s a defensive pact”? You really don’t see how a country like Russia could view an encirclement of “defensive” pacts as aggressive, when it has constantly stated that Ukraine joining NATO is a red line?
You don’t think NATO discussing sending NUKES TO UKRAINE, putting them within MINUTES OF MOSCOW, is in any way an escalation?
What the FUCK is wrong with you fucking people
NATO could have simply not attempted to expand, Ukraine could have simply honored the Minsk agreement and stopped genociding Russians in the Donbas, but you don’t say shit like that, you think it’s entirely on Russia. Brainwashed ass motherfucker
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This is fucking stupid on so many levels lmao