this is why you require
for elevated privilegeswhy do they have a red and a black sofa. who needs two sofas. and why arent they the same color.
I think the premise is that they are strangers playing a game online. They are not in the same place, and they each have their own couches.
They do have headsets on as well.
Had to double check.
Goddamnit I need glasses.
I apparently needed this clarification as well.
Ohh the guy was making fun of her because she’s a woman? He deserved it.
I don’t get it, I think. I get the basic premise and toxic men and stuff, but why’d he get vaporised?
She made him (into) a sandwich
I totally missed that in the last frame. Thanks.
The last frame is a significant development in this treatise.
Fuck, thanks :D ok that’s funny