I know I’m not trans and thus considerably less of a target overall… but this shit scares me so much.
I have been accused of being a man on multiple occasions due largely to having a deep gravely voice and no willingness to hide my true personality… I wrestled, was in the military, and have mostly non-stereotypically-feminine interests… so despite being a whopping 5’2, 120lb, feminine-presenting afab, people (actually it’s been 100% men doing it) misgender me quite a bit more than one would expect…
And coming from a conservative area, that is frightening every time it happens. Most of the men who do this are 2-3x my size and would probably kill me.
Hahaha that’s so fucking stupid.
They didn’t do the movement, but they solicited the person to do the movement for them thus involving that other person in the sex, which is probably worse than just having the sex