You’re right, they got called out as a “honeypot” for basic KYC and not having E2EE (which you can’t with email AFAIK)
You’re right, they got called out as a “honeypot” for basic KYC and not having E2EE (which you can’t with email AFAIK)
The only thing that turns people off is that they cooperate with governments. Well, if you’re using it for your business you shouldn’t worry about that unless it’s illegal business, at which point you have bigger problems
I wonder if they’re really that stupid to give up this super-efficient means of soft power over some progressive things they’ve done or intentionally handing influence in parts of the world to Russia for a bit of money for themselves while taking a calculated risk of maybe having to retake control militarily (which is more costly but could be a problem for the next admin).
How are you expecting to get 10 years of experience for your entry-level job by age 20? You need that to succeed in the job market, and let me guess, you also wasted so much potential by passing up on that opportunity of being born to Linus Torvalds.
DuckDuckGo doesn’t track your activity so they only target ads based on your current query and technical details. They determined it would take 30 years to compile Gentoo on your rig so 40+ is a good guess for your age.
Still no audio. True Linux experience.
I’m not an expert, how many Raspberry Pi 4s does this translate to?
OP looked at a Distrowatch.com leaderboard and didn’t read the fine print
As Linux is enjoying wider adoption among less technically inclined individuals, we are making changes to what we call the project and key components to make referring to them more straightforward and avoid gatekeeping.
Term | Meaning in versions up to 6 | Meaning in versions 7 and up |
Linux | LT’s project of an open-source OS kernel | OS based on the Linux kernel with GNU utilities |
Linux kernel | redundant | LT’s project of an open-source OS kernel |
Linux without GNU | redundant | OS based on the Linux kernel without GNU utilities |
GNU/Linux | OS based on the Linux kernel with GNU utilities | deprecated |
Linux distro | Specific OS distribution based on the Linux kernel | Specific OS distribution based on the Linux kernel with GNU utilities |
Please make sure to update corresponding API calls and documentation when upgrading to kernel 7.x. You will be able to use deprecated terms during support periods on kernel versions 6.x.
It delayed Trump’s second term but at what cost?
Now that there is an order banning being trans, I imagine there will be lots of LGBT refugees. We should welcome them with open arms; lots of them are experts that could improve Europe’s standing in key fields. I think Germany will see an influx of expats (trans-friendly and most people speak decent English).
I remember questioning my gender before I was a young adult. As a kid, I once wanted to crossdress for a photoshoot and wanted to join Girl Scouts (maybe because I was the butt of jokes among the boys). Later I was contemplating about my Reddit (now Lemmy) username by trying to list my most static and key traits. I decided gender was neither, and that was over 5 years ago.
As for Czech culture, it’s weird how our typical “live and let live” mentality gets thrown out the window at the idea of a person with a functioning penis being legally a woman or enby. We might get neopronouns someday but the language would need to undergo major changes and the vast majority disagrees with any given proposal. There are even no gender-neutral names other than exotic ones nobody knows how to pronounce or conjugate, or domestic forms (Péťa = Petr/Petra, Vlasta = Vlastislav/Vlastimil/Vlastimila, Míša = Michal/Michael/Michaela) that are only possible as legal names under rare conditions. Even Czech surnames give off the gender with few exceptions. There isn’t even a Czech word for gender since “pohlaví” means (biological) sex, and most people roll their eyes when they hear about “this new concept known by the English word ‘gender’”.
I own a Blåhaj and hug it every night… your suspicion is on the right track, it does make me feel gender-questioning but I’m still comfortably cis-male by day. Transitioning would only add a lot to my and my family’s existing mental burdens even if I were sure about it; I’m frankly not far from having to apply to a psychiatric ward. The legal framework for changing one’s gender officially will only come in about 5-20 years in the Czech Republic, depending on election results, and mainstream support and language adaptation will take even longer.
On the other hand, I know an AFAB teen among four siblings who’s been wearing boy haircuts and clothes (including swimsuits) and playing soccer in an otherwise boys’ team until puberty really kicked in at about age 14. They wanted to become a pro goalkeeper or racecar mechanic, at least at some point. Not sure if they tried to satisfy their father’s open desire for a son or really felt masculine, I haven’t been close enough to ask. Now they seem to accept their feminine body but still, it’s maybe just because of the strict conservative parents (“MLM Homeopathy Hannah” & “Unemployed Know-It-All Gamer Greg” who kicked out their studying 18yo daughter for refusing to start paying rent). I’ve been referring to “them” in English although they go by Czech “she/her” publicly (there is no neutral way to address someone in a language that is gendered all the way down) because they would very likely be on puberty blockers or T right now if that was normalized culturally. Very sad they weren’t given a choice.
My family is more open than that but the existing conflicts are enough.
I’m not trans but that sounds magical. Consult this with your doctor though. Thanks for sharing and good luck!
Yup, it works in the Czech Republic and it’s fully anonymous. How would they know it’s prepaid?
I use phones from e-waste, 2G still works here so there’s plenty of Nokias (even 3310-like ones) I can use.
Rošťák Pat, rošťák Pat, rošťák Pat má náramný svět.
Vstává brzy ráno,
kocour mňoukne ano.
Pak už oba s poštou vyráží.
Rošťák Pat, rošťák Pat, rošťák Pat má náramný svět.
z rána slunce svítí,
v trávě voní kvítí,
rošťák lidem sraní rozváží.
Nikdy netušíš, kdy příjde k vám,
kdy se před domem auto začervená.
Já sám vždycky pozor si dám,
klepání, cink, a už psaní mám.
Rošťák Pat, rošťák Pat, rošťák Pat má náramný svět.
Vstává brzy ráno,
kocour mňoukne ano.
Pak už oba s poštou vyráží…
Pak už oba s poštou vyráží…
Pak už oba s poštou vyráží!
Is it the lighting or did you also get 10 years younger?
From apparent man to very obvious woman. Congratulations!
Please continue posting updates. Trans and gender-questioning people are in need of good news right now.
That’s mild, I’d say every Israeli in the yellow region shoild GTFO
How is Signal not privacy-friendly? It’s the most private thing that can be called a “messenger app”.