No worries! Dunking on transphobes brings me joy. It’s a nice, easy way to enjoy my day. Like taking a walk or hugging someone.
Well, in actuality, you would socially transition. You would try out girl’s clothes, girl pronouns, maybe a different name. If you stopped, as you would have obviously done, you would just socially transition back. Life would go on. There ya go!
So what is your take on when someone with XX chromosomes experiences standard expression of FOXL-2 for part of the gestation, but stops functioning before finishing primary sexual characteristics?
How does that fit under a biological classification? Are they meant to bear children? Be a father? Will they ever be a boy? A woman?
Furthermore, are there other genes that inform your thesis to the above statements? How would their expression through developmental stages possibly affect the expressed sexual characteristics in both normal and impeded function?
“Fought and bled for some oil executive to have their number to go up”. There, fixed it for you!
I’ve consistently done everything I can to make those that society has left behind or treated poorly have some comfort. Some joy. Some happy memory of someone who was genuinely happy to help them and be fulfilled by it.
At the same time, let’s use your own argument against you. A gender studies degree? So you are aware biology and gender studies exist beyond what you are capable of understanding, and yet still refuse to accept their outcomes?
You fought for this country, showing you believe in awarding recognition based on merit. So if someone takes all the steps and jumps through all the hoops to transition to their ideal gender, shouldn’t the merit of their struggle be awarded?
TLDR: You are wrong. Easily wrong. That’s alright, I used to be wrong, too. It really f***ing sucks and I hate being wrong. That’s life. There is always more to learn and new things to experience. There’s a whole world out there, and that isn’t even counting the mysteries of space.
Congratulations! Skirt go skinny.
Also, very important. Pockets are a rarity >.<
Depends on how they feel about trans people, test the waters. A subtle way is to ask a guy (or a few) role model(s) near you if they have ever thought about what it is like to be a girl.
My parents are fairly conservative, and I ran into the snag of the FIRST guy I asked was like “oh, yeah. All guys think that.” And then I just bought it for years.
Still, it is good to plant the seed.