Silly question but isn’t using a VPS the exact opposite of “self hosted”?
Silly question but isn’t using a VPS the exact opposite of “self hosted”?
Such a shame. Thoughts and prayers.
So what? Half you all voted for a felon rapist. Don’t pretend you have morals.
This is a human thing and not so much a reddit thing. People been arguing on the internet since the inception of message boards.
I am glad it makes you feel better but the reality is they still have your data. Just because you don’t see it on the front end doesn’t mean it isn’t still in the database with a “deleted” flag set. They aren’t hard deleting your comments.
To be fair, advocating violence on any platform will not get you very far even if the idea is justified, eg) nazis
Free yourself from what exactly? I think you’d be surprised at how much everything else is tracking you still.
All for what, avoiding ads you’ll get anyway?
Again someone is going to have to break into your house to accomplish this. You have much bigger problems if that happens.
The more realistic approach would be people sitting outside of your house trying to brute force your wireless password, which only works on networks with default or weak passwords.
The odds of someone breaking into your house to use your net are virtually zero. On the other hand people sitting in their cars to high jack wireless happen all the time. Anyone can do it they just need to be in proximity to your house and you’ll never know it’s happening.
Huh? You have to break into my house to get on my LAN and that’s the case for 99% of people. You don’t need to do that with wifi. There is no realm where wired is less secure than wifi.
Why does it even matter? Let your mom use whatever email she wants.
I’m still not understanding why we need chips when we carry a computer every where we go.
Aren’t you partially not in control? If that hardware gets nuked some how then you’re compromised