Are you actually using <500 searches per month?
Mine are:
- Dec 2023 ~350 so far
- Nov 2023 ~850
- Oct 2023 ~1100
- Sep 2023 ~1400
Are you actually using <500 searches per month?
Mine are:
Same. The cost point ($10) is a bit … weird, but it is actually appropriate.
Would that make it basically anonymous?
Well, no. I think there is so much information in there, that the IP address is your least concern.
Not sure. Couldn’t the bots just decrypt it the same way?
Ahhh, didn’t read to the end. Hm. Still not convinced. I don’t want captchas etc to use the internet
While I’m at it, what is the community opinion on NoScript? The first few weeks were a bit of a pain, but now it is actually quite convenient.
I read about one. Let me see if I can still find it…
Edit: I can’t.
Thanks for your reply! Is the web annoyances list better than the built-in one in uBO. Should I disable the standard one?
You can pay via Crypto/bank transfer and probably with cash soon.
The Discord thing is a valid point.
I don’t agree on the trust part with you. EVERY SOFTWARE we use boils down to trust. Because let’s be honest, we all don’t read the source code. (most of the time)
And finally there are downsides to such messages: Where do they stop? If someone searches for how to suicide, they should be getting relevant information for their query. Overall, I thought that if you find all the aforementioned things bad, you might like this one. From a liberal perspective, this is great.
Weeeeeird, I asked him on Mastodon, let’s see what he says.
From the linked source (2023), which I assume you can understand as a German speaker:
- Fazit
Insgesamt hinterlässt Brave einen durchwachsenen Eindruck. Die Voreinstellungen des Browsers sind nicht ideal. […]
Unklar bleibt, ob man zur A/B-Testgruppe gehört und welche Daten dabei an die Domain »« fließen. Ebenfalls fragwürdig ist die Abfrage von Affiliate-Domains über die Domain »«.
Passt man die Voreinstellungen an und installiert keine weiteren Add-ons, hat man einen Chromium-Ableger, der offenbar keine Verbindungen zu Google initiiert, aber dennoch unnötige Verbindungen beim Start aufbaut. So ganz passt die Außendarstellung bzw. das Versprechen zum Schutz der Privatsphäre nicht zum tatsächlichen Verhalten in der Praxis.
Can you link to where he says he uses Brave? Maybe I’m wrong here, but this seems sceptical.
More quotes:
(I really don’t want to be toxic, but at least the Mike Kuketz talk is you spreading misinformation)
BTW, another argument is: Don’t use Chromium-based browsers, browser engine diversity is important for an open web.
idk, this seems like a 99 IQ strat
GPT-4 is for Ultimate users ($25/month). The “weaker” models like GPT-3.5 will be rolled out for Pro users($10/month) in the next few weeks.
PS: FastGPT+ Summarizer exist as well, but this was not what I was talking about. Those are both somewhat limited AI tools, the GPT thing is the full blown access
Disclaimer: Kagi user here.
Searches are not pay-per-use anymore. But you still have to be logged in to search. The premise is, that they don’t store your searches. It is not their business model. You are the paying customer, not the ad firms. This is, ultimately, not verifiable. It comes down to some sort of trust. And I do trust in them. The developers are actually great guys, there is a discord where they answer immediately, and a discourse forum where you can submit bugs/features, etc.
They take a strong stance on freedom. They refused to implement a suicide prevention message, as they felt, that it wasbnot the job of the search engine to patronize the user.
There is such a thing as a ‘session link’. You can get it from you account. With this, I don’t think cookies are necesary. But the link expires so you have to do it probably every few days anew.
The thing is: I want to aupport them. They have cool features (up/downranking websites, GPT-4 access over their proxy, etc.) Is it better than self-hosting: no. But I don’t wanna self-host. And search is something that costs. So any service that does not live off donations or some sort of payment, is suspicious.
I hope I explained some of my reasons. Please debunk me and make me cancel my subscription there if I am in the wrong. Im not a shill and actually interested in your concerns :)
While I would be sceptical that this is the main reason, this might be a valid argument. Google can track users and protect the stupid users at the same time, who otherwise would endanger the public image of Google Docs(‘i GoT sCaMmEd oN gOoGlE dOcS’)
Kagi user myself. Great experience, worth the $10.
Side note: Your posts feels a bit like self-promotion 🫥
To add on that: There is (an actively developed NewPipe fork)[] that extends the functionality with SponsorBlock. LibreTube (another FLOSS app) also has this, Piped support and even DeArrow Support (vs cringe thumbnails.)
Lmao cry and seethe stay hardstuck apple /b/ro enjoy non free licences, stay mad kid, im sorry I just wasted 10 mins of your corpo cuck life, now watch 10 min ads as you fantasize about the AI revolution. Btw, learn to code, its empowering ;-)
I guess it is somewhat like paying in cash for your groceries: While anonymous, only you buy at this time of the day your favourite 3 food products, a cup of gluten-free instant ramen and a period product.
I would be concerned about this scenario: