So yea a bit of trust put in beeper. Matrix bridge and self host is as I said better.
This is easy. For services that’s not so good to start with , like SMS , WhatsApp etc.
For sensitive stuff i use signal with a fake number. Or other channels.
So yea a bit of trust put in beeper. Matrix bridge and self host is as I said better.
This is easy. For services that’s not so good to start with , like SMS , WhatsApp etc.
For sensitive stuff i use signal with a fake number. Or other channels.
My way around the issue with the app and its collection is :
Oh and using fake number is also a good idea. And yes not as good as selfhosting I know. Signal is an option if you can get them to switch. Telegram is crap.
Lineage does not have any special privacy features besides not having gapps. You can use Microg for a balance between privacy and convenience.
Use aurora store and don’t login with any account. You will need the lineage for microg version or root to get it working
I’m not sure it does , however you could just change DNS to for that :)
Np, Yea , unfortunately only one VPN at a time.
I like that they don’t foce apps on me , I’d rather install what I need myself. F-droid is not the best app as I see it. I use neo store so do not want extra bloat.
Regarding Firefox , you are either running chrome/vanadium or chrome/vanadium plus Firefox. Since webview. So what you have with Firefox is at best the in use browser features. Open a link in an app and you still use the webview. Firefox on android has it issues as well (sandboxing) . So 1+1 = 2 issues. Using a VPN / DNS with adblock makes ublock unnecessary.
I use GOS so built in firewall for just denying network permission, but there is also fake-VPN based ones that don’t require root.
Gboard and blocked network
Regarding email you can use k9 email and set it up with your Gmail.
Try the new stealth protocol. Never have any issues :)
Cloudflare can do it at least
Thing is it is very easy to get a signal account with a fake number, I have 3 different ones. My spare phone don’t have a sim or number, but do have signal. On my main phone I have one for each profile.
I use a simple bash script on my parents pc and schedule cup all -y with windows scheduler. No longer on call IT support :)
Windows AME
Thanks , yea that’s what I thought
Let me know more about the argument against VPN +tor
Android auto needs basically root access and every privilege possible , and is a privacy nightmare. Perhaps it works on other ROMs if you have gapps insyltalled Sweden got a collective owned service :)