“You are illegally parked on private property. You have twenty seconds to move your vehicle.” -ED-209
“You are illegally parked on private property. You have twenty seconds to move your vehicle.” -ED-209
…invade everyone’s privacy instead.
That was amazing. Wow. I mean, I knew that google was bad but, damn.
I was surprised to learn recently that people are still making new screen savers for it.
…library… Alexandria…
But yeah, that is the central hub that everything goes thru
Does vpn help with this?
I’m using Vivaldi (Android), and it looks like I’m not getting the mobile site, but the desktop one. I can access all the content, but the pictures are way too big, and the white cloud in the background makes it impossible to read the text over it because it is white too. If I set Vivaldi to “desktop site” mode, I get the same thing, only without the text word-wrapped. I just want to know if this is malicious or just incompetent.
Note 10+ here and same, as soon as I can afford one of those linux phones, or at least a second-hand pixel.
This feels a bit like the debate over whether a virus is “alive” or not. “But the virus/HTML has DNA/code.” “But it requires another cell/web browser in order to replicate/execute.” etc. 😄
“A couple of trees…”
And a body of water, and a road, possibly some mountains… (smh)
Or Tubular
Try asking it. 😆
Straight up 1984 Newspeak, where the Ministry of Truth is really concerned with lies, the Ministry of Peace is concerned with war, the Ministry of Love is concerned with torture, and the Ministry of Plenty is concerned with starvation.
The only thing I know about them is how well advertised they are, which is a turn off.
Not just spite. How do I know if my purchase decision is my own, or has been influenced by ads?
Yeah, that was a great story, but an odd missed opportunity for a cyberpunk game on hidden mass surveillance. I’m thinking of NG Resonance from Deus Ex: Invisible War. I.e., it’s odd that Bredan’s a.i. was used to just sell more drinks, rather than as a mass surveillance tool. People were forming relationships with him, providing him with all sorts of personal information.
This article only mentions Chrome, not Chromium. So I looked it up and found this:
“Web Environment Integrity (WEI) is an abandoned API proposal previously under development for Google Chrome.[1] A Web Environment Integrity prototype existed in Chromium,[2][3] but was removed in November 2023 after extensive criticism by many tech groups.[4]”
I hate ads more than anyone, but how are all ads a cybersecurity risk? Like say just a posted image that says “Buy (product X)”?
I’ve heard others suggest something like “then you won’t mind giving me your SSN/SIN, bank account details and PIN, all your e-mail and computer passwords…” and whatever else you can think of, and if they are still ok with that, then add “and I’ll post them on the internet.” I don’t know how well it works though as I haven’t had the chance to try it.
People who say this are assuming benign, rational actors, but there are plenty of predatory and irrational ones that will misuse your data. So a list of examples, general and specific, may help there.
Hmm, could we as a community compile such a list for people to use as a kit (assuming it hasn’t been done already)? Then when people get the opportunity to use it, they could provide feedback that can be used to improve the kit. E.g., which examples work best, which don’t, presentation methods, etc. Does this sound like something people would want, and/or want to contribute to? I know that I’d find it handy.
Runaway as well, but without the mall.