Depending on your profession a small team just proved that you can even fly as high as it gonna gets.
More often than not the main problem is how our education system is set up, teaching certain topics like CAD or image manipulation with specific software from companies which “invest in education” (i.e. pay Universities and educators to create future customers for them). Adobe and Autodesk are the biggest dicks in this regard, but also Apple.
Back to games, the general rule by now is “if it is on Steam and doesn’t have the worst anti-cheat, it usually works”. Outside of Steam you may have to tinker a little bit, but Heroic and Lutris make this easier by the week. The biggest problems more often than not are the god damn third-party launchers.
ZorinOS: Always wears fancy fashion, completely forgets to do any homework though.
Kali Linux: Always got a copy of all the answers. Nobody knows how. Somewhat creepy.
ElementaryOS: Thinks of themself as special. Always has to do things slightly different than others.