Signore dei mari, lmao

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • A lot of android apps rely on GCM (google’s notification servers), I assume Whatsapp is one. Signal does too, but I think it can use its own websockets when gcm is not available, same for telegram. Whatsapp probably not.

    Some ROMs with no google services restore the gcm funciinality via microg. Graphene os, as far as i know, does not have microg.

  • There is your “free market”, lmao. Will have to start to look on how to buy cars directly from china and import them later. Sorry but I have no interest in Stellantis’ garbage, and the fact that Italy will bend 90° and vote in favor, despite stellantis abandoned over the years basically every manufacturing plant in italy to move where labor is cheaper, sending workers home and shit, shows how this, is much more about corrupt goverments satisfying EU “lobbying” groups demands to have their little protected market with no competition where they can force you into buying their trash cubes for x4 the price a chinese EV would cost you. Good job.

  • This. It’s a sensor, detecting only a specific air type. Not a camera, not a microphone. It doesn’t have to do with privacy, this is not “scan and collect data about all to punish one” and cannot be turned into one.

    I’ll agree it’s a fuc**ing dumb idea. Like utter useless garbage. Classic capitalistic “fix behavioral trash-consumption issue with overpriced fancy tech products that sound amazing in theory and are garbage in practice, without fighting the problem at the root”. Screenshot comment said tax moeny but I’m willing to bet this is some kind of private school.

  • Sadly that is not an option for firefox on android yet (while it is on desktop), the only choises you are left with are:

    • Use ff focus that completely resets the browser deleting every cookie in the process
    • Use normal ff and:
    1. Just accept that you have to deal with cookies and care to carefully select Reject on every banner
    2. Turn on delete data on “exit button press” (which sadly deletes everything again, with no possibility to whitelist some websites).

    That said, i believe Firefox should have (even on android) their “total cookie protection” thing which puts them in separate containers for each domain, so you are somewhat protected by cookie cross-tracking, but i would still prefer to delete most of them at close.