that’s vandalism and can get you in trouble.
A simple sticker though, which can be easily removed, doesn’t count as vandalism, and can be done over and over again for almost no cost.
that’s vandalism and can get you in trouble.
A simple sticker though, which can be easily removed, doesn’t count as vandalism, and can be done over and over again for almost no cost.
It’s not apathy, it’s an observation of the legal status of the situation.
Legally, you have no reasonable expectations of privacy in a public space, and as such anyone is free to record you. I don’t think fingerprint data being collected from devices available to the public has been tried in court yet, but audio and video recordings certainly have been.
It’s actually a good thing. Imagine if it was illegal for you to video cops.
Or it means they’re not using that specific function, but are still gathering data and training the AI or something.
Must be something that makes you look bad lol
Otherwise you’d just say it. You owe them nothing and they’ve broken the fuckin law and you’re protecting them? What do they have on you?
A simple courteous reminder of their obligations may save both parties some undue hassle.
Actually, the customer is already getting undue hassle, while the company is just breaking the law. Why can’t we just expect better?
Time for them to learn.
Man I haven’t even seen a phone book in at least 10 years. Do they actually still exist?
I still have a landline which I use specifically for entering into websites.
At one point I thought it was a really clever thing to do, but now I’m not sure what I’m accomplishing with that, if anything.
I get what you’re trying to say but gas engines are inherently electrical. That’s how they generate the spark.
Oh my god, no. No, no, no.
Just because they aren’t making those features available to you doesn’t mean they aren’t still tracking all that stuff.
Just put a faraday cage around the antenna.
This university is in Canada, genius. Those are the laws in Canada.