human garbage

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • You are right. I asked Venice AI and that’s what it printed back:

    Weapon-grade plutonium refers to plutonium that is highly enriched in the isotope plutonium-239 (Pu-239), which is suitable for use in nuclear weapons. It typically contains more than 90% Pu-239, with the remaining percentage consisting of other plutonium isotopes, such as Pu-240 and Pu-241.

    Plutonium is not typically found in its pure form in nature and is usually produced through a process involving uranium. The production of weapon-grade plutonium involves several steps:

    1. Mining: Uranium ore is extracted from mines.
    2. Milling: The uranium ore is processed into a concentrated form called yellowcake (U3O8).
    3. Enrichment: The yellowcake is then converted into uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) and enriched to increase the concentration of the U-235 isotope, which can undergo a chain reaction.
    4. Irradiation: The enriched uranium (typically around 3-5% U-235) is formed into fuel rods and irradiated in a nuclear reactor, where it undergoes neutron-induced reactions.
    5. Transmutation: During irradiation, some of the U-238 atoms absorb neutrons and undergo a series of radioactive decays, resulting in the formation of Pu-239.
    6. Reprocessing: After irradiation, the fuel rods are removed from the reactor and reprocessed to separate the plutonium from other radioactive materials.

    The resulting plutonium can be further purified and separated into different isotopes using various chemical and physical processes, including solvent extraction, ion exchange, or electromagnetic separation.

    The production of weapon-grade plutonium requires careful control over the neutron flux and irradiation time to minimize the formation of unwanted isotopes like Pu-240, which can make it more difficult to achieve a nuclear explosion.

    It’s worth noting that not all plutonium produced through this process has weapons-grade purity. Reactor-grade plutonium, for example, typically contains around 50-60% Pu-239 and is not suitable for use in nuclear weapons due to its higher content of unwanted isotopes.

    So someone somehow likely obtained a noticeable amount of already enriched plutonium to sell to this yakuza guy.

  • The important thing is you keep pushing, like a little and fucking insufferable turtle. They all seem slow, even to themselves, but miss this fucker for a second and they are far away. I’d like you to keep saving (posting?) updates and check your older photoes as you go and see how high you climbed. I wish you well on your gender journey (:

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    There wasn’t any legal ban. RosCommNadzor slowed down TG like they recently did with YT (it can barely load a music track without VPN) without any court decision because they can, it went for a week or so, and then it was lifted. Nobody knows why, but there is a suspicion that TG started to cooperate with russian authorities, in a non-automatical manual manner. Some suspect it was a PR campaign to make it as popular as it is now.

    It didn’t leak stuff as far as I know, that’s done by bots like Глаз Бога that accunulate all info on a person and frequently used in OSINT and deanon\bullying, but blocking popular bots and channels that are too annoying to Russia is what they do. From the top of my head: CleverVoting (Умное Голосование, УГ) channels from Navalny’s team*, channels for cooperation of protest of soldiers’ wives, separatist channels from Bashkortostan and other places. I’ve seen iranians also posted that they had their protest channels banned - and Iran and Russia banned free and popular VPNs at the same time, spoiling their cooperation.

    * Durov’s public comment on that gave birth to a meme. He implied that there are just two ways: either banning it from TG or having TG banned on the whole territory of Russian Federation. As a copypasta it was transformed millions of times, and if it hasn’t lost it relevance, we could’ve probably seen a boykisser version of it.

  • In spite of you saying it’s not for you, I think that finding a cheap hosting for your blog is the easiest solution there. With some effort you can export your site onto an actual free WP engine they sit above. Then, with plugins, here come autoreposts to other social media and whatever you want. Low traffic means you can choose an options with the lowest price.

    As a bonus you can also host your portfolio page, get personalized email addresses, a VPN server to wherever it’s hosted, and basically an environment you can put anything to, even your own Lemmy instance.

    On the latter - the population of federated platform is very small but super loyal, and also lacking content. So I feel that even if you won’t consider making or renting your own server, establishing your blog here can get you a lot of interactions. Probably, some admins won’t mind if you make your own /c/ommunity for that as long as it’s not abandoned.