Man, at this point you should think about your treat model. Are you a high profile target? If so, choose security over convenience, but if you only want your privacy, you probably can have a comfortable balance between security and convenience.
I use keepass2Android.
And keepass2Android
Last time I used it was very convenient, but the price was too high for me. Besides that, I bought 1pass when was possible to buy once and have it forever, since then, they made increasingly harder to access it if you bought instead of use as a paid service. That’s why I made the change to KeePass. The only thing that 1pass offers that could justify their business model as a service is sync on multiple devices, and bitwarden does that as well. KeePass don’t, but you can make it happen with free Dropbox for example.
Bitwarden have a good balance of security, price and convenience. If you want more control and less convenience, KeePass.
A way to address that is to require that if the company does not provide software updates, it must release the source code and tooling to it’s customers under cc-0 license. For games that depends on server-side services to work, that should be provided as well.
But under capitalism, that will be an uphill battle.
You could watch all day today? Or are you thinking it as when you were a child with a healthier body and knew no limits?
Don’t tell that out loud, they may decide to block features of we don’t connect it.
Zen Browser since last week. Is a Firefox fork.
This is what you are looking for:
My problems with this text:
In an ideal world…
We don’t live in an ideal world.
Nice tech surrounded by scams.
I am not certainly sure what point you are trying to make? Yes, this is acceptable as there is no better way to avoid cheaters on PC platform. 🤷
I’m not sure about this one. For sure it’s the most cost-effective method to avoid cheaters, but not the “best” way.
Using statistics on the server side could be less intrusive. Checking file integrity on every run could be an option. Honeypots that are visible only for cheaters already happened with success to detect them.
There are possible strategies.
That’s a bad take. This approach puts the cost on the users’ shoulder when most users are not cheaters.
Why should you pay that price when you are not responsible for the problems they are trying to solve?
By “fresh login” do you mean “new account”?
Not a final say, but it have some influence on the public discussion.
Both are fine, take the easiest.