That’s what Luxtorpeda is for. It automatically selects an appropriate source port for your game.
That’s what Luxtorpeda is for. It automatically selects an appropriate source port for your game.
Did you know that most big anti cheat systems actually do run in Wine when allowed to by the developer?
Which LLM do you use? Ollama?
I didn’t even think of trying to use a LLM for this. I have been kind of underwhelmed with dedicated plugins for this. Maybe Ollama will finally satisfy all my needs.
But it cannot recognise people, right? But tags and descriptions would be better than nothing.
I think it is even heavily used on Windows.
Reolink cameras seem to be cheap and privacy friendly. You can access them through the app and when you have time you can also use them without any proprietary stuff, as far as I know.
Quick, cheap and easy and with potential for more fiddling down the road.
Damn, in my mind C&C Generals is that new C&C game I read a preview about last year.
There recently was some feature that made me switch from k9 to Thunderbird. Gmail support maybe? I can’t remember. But the differences definitely aren’t purely cosmetic.
Nowadays rspamd is used instead of Spamassassin. Maybe that one has tools to do what you want.
Now I imagine someone building the soundwaves in Blender polygon by polygon.
With a workaround you can get Onboard to work. But it’s not pretty.
Meh, was hoping for some news on the touch keyboard front but it’s still pretty meh.
Do you use KDEConnect? Maybe that one’s clipboard sharing interferes here.
It doesn’t use pkgkit like Discover? wtf?
Meh, SELinux, AppArmor, I don’t know how to configure either.
Only the kernel bindings are open source. The actual driver is still closed source. So that only leaves you with AMD and Intel.
Yeah, I basically jump from auction system to auction system every other year or so and either get a cheaper or more powerful server or both.
Love Hetzner. You just give them your public key and they boot you into a rescue system from which you can install what you want how you want.
Oh, they’ve got the social engineering down. “Mom said, I could.”
You bastard! Now if I catch my kids installing this I have to decide whether I reprimand my kids or to be proud of them!
Probably the latter. They’re pretty cool.
You mean as a file server? I’d probably use a minimal Debian installation. But almost any distro should have a minimal flavour.