Does Servo count? It was originally a Mozilla project to write a web engine in Rust, then got transferred to The Linux Foundation when Mozilla laid off a bunch of its staff
Does Servo count? It was originally a Mozilla project to write a web engine in Rust, then got transferred to The Linux Foundation when Mozilla laid off a bunch of its staff
Hey, that’s what Trump said when he was being impeached. And when he was being trialled as a criminal.
Wait a minute…
I’ve used Thorium (not as my main browser) and I like it. Decent privacy features, performance does feel better.
Some major downsides though:
If you want a browser that’s more focused on privacy and don’t care about the eye-candy that Thorium provides, the Cromite browser is only doing security + privacy patches, has toggles for more permissions, has V8 disabled by default, allows for automatic clearing of history, allows you to change the default referrer policy, has more chrome://flags, and actually gets updates frequently to the latest patch.
By default, sure. But uBlock is way more powerful when you configure it. Seriously, take a look at their wiki. I doubt that Brave lets you choose exactly which domains to connect to on a per-site basis. And do you really want an advertising company to make your adblocker? They’ve done shadier stuff.
Probably not a small browser, no. I just really wanted to plug it tho