If we’re defining “text” as “SMS, MMS or RCS”, Signal doesn’t do that anymore. You can only send messages to other signal users. Signal is a great app but you won’t be able to reach people with it unless you talk them into using it.
Just share the information that other people need to know and don’t share things they don’t need to know. Most people on LinkedIn have a worksona anyway, they’re not sharing their personal life much
They can recieve security updates if you use an alternative ROM such as Lineage or /e/OS.
Can you please explain how e/OS/ is insecure?
I’ve heard a lot of people complain about software glitches and minor hardware issues. These issues may be due to the fact that the Pixel 6 was the first Pixel to use Google’s own Tensor chips.
Get a Pixel 7 or newer and put Graphene OS on it. Pixels are excellent phones and have good support for custom ROMs. The Pixel 6 has a lot of weird issues that the others don’t have, so avoid it. Graphene is the best ROM for privacy AND security, and it is also relatively user-friendly.
Or, if you want an older phone, try a Pixel 3, 4 or 5. They are good phones with an older design style that may appeal to you.
/e/OS (also known as Murena) is also a good ROM for privacy, and supports a broader range of devices.
Some of my fav quotes:
“Ads in an operating system that you’ve paid for from a company that owns ridiculous amounts of money is so offensive.”
“data, it’s like the new gold to people”
“I got the confidence to really jump into Linux after the Steam Deck.”
[regarding the terminal] “You just see text going across the screen, they’re working at lightning speeds.”
“I’m kissing convenience goodbye, I just want control.”
I would very much prefer to use passkeys wherever possible. My password manager of choice Bitwarden also supports them. Unfortunately, Android 13 which I am running does not support setting a default app to handle passkeys. So I cannot access that functionality on my phone yet. I think in a few years I will be authenticating with passkeys for a lot of services. However there will be a lot of services that lag behind in terms of offering passkey authentication.
Learn Linux TV has some stickers related to FOSS and self-hosted sofware. It also helps support a great learning resource.
Folks who want to view the video using a third party client could always just copy and paste the link, so I don’t see any problem