There is a reason 1984 was written by a Brit.
There is a reason 1984 was written by a Brit.
LineageOS with Jerboa over Mullvad VPN here. Not many options on mobile devices.
Good luck with that.
Still works for Mullvad.
Please tell us whether you’ll get a response.
Complain to your respective GDPR enforcement officer. I should, too.
That eula is not valid in the EU.
Not just your ISP, also particular surveillance and tampering methods of nation-states. It is good to have your egress point to be in a noncooperative jurisdiction.
Had it too. Uninstalling and reinstalling fixed it for me.
The technical communities were different. Yes, we had flamewars but these were largely rituals. That things we used to say would now land you in jail is a testament to how oppressive our socities have become. It’s definitely a contributing factor to the trend of capable people disengaging.
Consorsbank does. No Magisk required.
You say elitist as if it was a bad thing. As to toxic, 1990s online communities has no comparison with casual baseline hostility everywhere today that is just off the charts. In fact, Lemmy already has enough of it for me to start disliking commenting. This is what almost drove me offline in the last few years.
I’m not sure still care enough to run my own instance and enforce stricter standards. It’s all so much work and ultimatively futile.
You can put Google-free Android forks on your phone or tablet. My phone is LinageOS with minimal Google footprint and my tablet has no gapps at all.
I use Gmail, Tasks, Drive and Calendar for the sake of convenience, since I could self-host all of these.
There are reasonably secure Android forks.
I’m also running unbound on my opnsense, configured to use root DNS servers. Don’t recall what exactly is enabled.
Yours is a good point why I should run all my traffic through a Wireguard tunnel to my dedicated server, so that my ISP is out of the loop.
You run a local resolver for your household and enable DNS encryption where supported. Using a VPN for everything removes your ISP from the loop. It’s a matter of privacy layers and your threat model. If you want to play with TLAs you’ll need to try way harder.
I run LineageOS on my supported Samsung tablet and Poco Pro 4 phone. The Samsung is sans gapps so not too leaky.
The main problem is lack of supported tablets. Once the Samsung dies I will have to find some ChromeOS device on which you can install a standard Linux distribution.
Secure has no meaning.