• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • Mar 25, 2024 —

    … the Commission has granted Meta an extension of 6 months to comply with the interoperability obligation (Article 7 DMA)

    Because of a “reasoned request” [from META]. … Commission said it’s received and accepted [request] from Meta.

    granted because it was:

    “necessary to ensure effective interoperability and to maintain the necessary level of security, including end-to-end encryption”.

    and after that, there will be another request and so on forever, they have alot of dough to burn.

    more details

  • transcribed from video:

    I think there are good solutions we can implement to mitigate a lot of the surveillance. And I don’t think the solution is to just lay down and die. If everyone thought like privacy doomers, none of this [privacy related issues] would even be a discussion.

    They [pessimists] really just making the world worse place by giving up. And that’s what a lot of pessimism really is, when you dig down deep, just a coping mechanism for covering up the fact that you’re too lazy to take action. All you have to do is take action, instead of doing nothing.

    The world needs more people who just care, don’t be a doomer.

  • some interesting excerpts:

    The analysis notes that a government can easily tell when a person is using WhatsApp, in part because the data must pass through Meta’s readily identifiable corporate servers. A government agency can then unmask specific WhatsApp users by tracing their IP address, a unique number assigned to every connected device, to their internet or cellular service provider account.

    The assessment makes clear that WhatsApp engineers grasp the severity of the problem, but also understand how difficult it might be to convince their company to fix it.

    It will be difficult to better protect users against correlation attacks without making the app worse in other ways, the document explains. For a publicly traded giant like Meta, protecting at-risk users will collide with the company’s profit-driven mandate of making its software as accessible and widely used as possible.

    “WhatsApp has no backdoors and we have no evidence of vulnerabilities in how WhatsApp works,” said Meta spokesperson Christina LoNigro.

    That’s why you slam e2e encryption banner all over the app to make this statement even more true instead of doing an independent code review that could confirmed that on paper.