This but unironically. Conservatives going insane over trans people is what made me decide to learn about trans people, and I learned a thing or two about myself in the process.
There is no record of this bio
This but unironically. Conservatives going insane over trans people is what made me decide to learn about trans people, and I learned a thing or two about myself in the process.
What’s stopping you, and what can you do about it?
Its one of the most effective ways to prevent male pattern baldness.
I got HRT through my doctor in the US. They gave me a big informed consent document with lots of details and warnings. A lot of the warnings are a bit fearmongery, like you might have a higher risk of this specific cancer, based on one small study decades ago.
Despite all that, there were only two things described as irreversible changes, breast growth, and infertility.
If you’re an adult and no longer have an actively growing skeleton, and have taken precautions against the two above changes, you should be able to stop the HRT and go back if needed.
The changes are cumulative and gradual. You burn fat from everywhere, but deposit it based on your current hormones. With time fat will appear to migrate, and will migrate back if you stop the HRT.
Edit: specifying nationality is useful information when discussing supplied documentation.
I did not remember my dreams before E.
hi fellow arch girlie!
I’m interested I’d be happy to help try and find all the bugs and whatnot.
I am experiencing this as well. I’m few months into HRT and its had a remarkable effect on my mood, and that changes a ton.
I still lack some amount of self reflection, as I didn’t notice this change until reading your post. Making your brain comfy has some very far reaching effects.
In French, the plural they is the masculine ils for mixed gender groups, and only the feminine elles for groups that are exclusively feminine. On is a singular gender neutral form of they often used in situations with unknown gender.
I would use on for singular and ils for plural when talking about a non-binary person because that seems the most reasonable application of the language as I understand it.
However as a non-native speaker I would defer to whatever native speakers do. Can’t say I know what the established best practice is.
ur great too :3
I’m about 3 months in. Breasts are noticeable if know to look for them. Still plausibly just defined pectorals to those not in the know.
Changes are cumulative. More to come!
Weird right wingers kept going on about trans people, and I wanted to be informed about it and learned a few things about myself in the process.
I genuinely had no idea for most of my life. The signs were there all along but only in retrospect. It took me 2-3 years of questioning before I started transitioning. I was not ever truly certain I was trans until I started HRT, and everything started to feel fine, like genuinely fine. Didn’t realize I was depressed from dysphoria my entire life because I had no point of comparison.
I certainly envy the trans people who were able to learn they were trans at an early age. The best time to transition is just before the start of puberty, the second best time is now.
How’d it go? Notice anything?
Fat will deposit in more feminine places but there is no mechanism to actively remove it from elsewhere. That’s why trans men need top surgery. Hormones can only make they cannot unmake.
You do burn fat and it is removed everywhere in an impartial way. Expect changes to take time.
Sometime soon your nipples will start to get sore and hurt. That means things are developing!
That is pretty normal. Skin was the first noticeable change for me.
What surprised me most in the first month was how similar everything felt. Your body has no way to consciously perceive your hormone levels directly. You will notice the effects. Skin and mood are often the first.
You’re not imagining things The E is working! Congrats on getting started!
I love the enunciation. There’s an elegance and poise to the consonants that I wish I could do myself.
It does however sound inauthentic, mostly in the tone and pitch. The tone is thin, and the pitch range is really compressed. You seem to be speaking as high as possible constantly, so you have no room to raise and lower your pitch during phrases.
Women’s voices are way lower than many people realize. Your recording is pretty illustrative of why most literature on voice training stress the importance of resonance over pitch.
The US did issue passports with an x gender marker. The first one was issued in 2021 after a lawsuit, and the option was on the official paperwork in 2022. Most would usually advise against doing so as many countries do not recognize the X gender, and would deny entry as a result. Be aware of where you want to travel and that those countries are accepting before you commit to the X marker.
That was before the newest administration. It remains to be seen how things will play out in future as many executive orders will be blocked in the courts. Executive orders are the lowest tier federal legislation, overruled by nearly everything else.
You have to do what you have to do to be safe. I understand. Take care of yourself. <3
Despite your real life circumstances, at least while you’re here, the title of trans woman is yours if you choose to accept it.
If the effects of HRT sound magical to you, there’s a reasonable probability you could be trans.
I spent years reading trans communities on the internet, out of interest, while assuming I wasn’t trans myself. Now that I have started transitioning, my only regret is not starting sooner.
Thanks for sharing! If you ever do find yourself on a stage, do let me know.
I have experienced all of the emotional changes you describe. It turns out I was depressed the whole time and thought it was normal. I too was unaware of the general edge everything had.
My libido is also gone, but it was mostly an annoyance for me so no notes.
I’m definitely going to try cannabis again. It felt like a placebo honestly. Maybe it will be different now.
You are going to change slowly and gradually once you start HRT. That’s the most important thing. Get that started as early as possible.
I would advise you to freeze your sperm before you start HRT, unless you are sure you don’t want children. The informed consent documents listed two irreversible changes, sterility and breasts.
I’m about 3 and a half month on HRT. I barely have breast shape at this point. My measurements have not changed enough that my old clothes no longer fit comfortably. You’ll have time to adjust to the changes. You’ll have plenty of time to gradually upgrade your wardrobe, and learn makeup, there’s no need to work these things out in advance.
Delay is fine for everything except the HRT and cryopreservation if applicable. Get that E, sis!