WriteFreely? https://writefreely.org/
~~jest polska instancja na https://writefreely.pl/~~ ale rejestracje są zamknięte.
WriteFreely? https://writefreely.org/
~~jest polska instancja na https://writefreely.pl/~~ ale rejestracje są zamknięte.
wydaje mi się że właśnie zaczęliśmy niedawno od tego odstępować za sprawą UE, w moim planie miałem wliczony w cenę “Social Pass” z darmowym dostępem do kilkunastu komunikatorów i stron, ale od ubiegłego sierpnia nie mogą już go oferować, zniknęły też opcjonalne analogiczne pakiety na muzykę, wideo i tak dalej.
that too, but they want to carve out a little hole for themselves where they can be even racister without people opposing them.
there are some Mastodon instances (like bird.makeup) that mirror posts from Twitter accounts, someone just has to request to mirror each specific account first. technically someone could set up a Pixelfed instance that would do the same with Instagram users, but 1. storage is much more of an issue when it comes to a media-first service, and 2. I bet Meta’s legal team is much more trigger happy than Twitter’s.
without them changing their habits? you don’t.
they like having a private space where they can be as racist and bigoted as they want to be
they encrypt the content, but not the metadata. so Meta might not know what you’re talking about, but will know who do you talk with, how often, where from, for how long, and so on. that’ll often be more valuable for advertisers than the contents of the messages themselves.
they are collating and amalgamating data coming from a single IP
lol no shit. of course they’re aggregating location data, this is how, among other examples, some therapists ended up having their patients recommended as Facebook friends in the past.
if they see someone being frequently in the same location you are and at the same time you are, they will leverage your relationship to serve you ads based on their (and, presumed by the algorithm, shared to some extent) interests.
The only explanation I have is that it’s somehow still listening.
or the other person participating in the conversation had looked them up.
the fourth thing: why should I bother reading something someone didn’t bother writing?
Poza tym z fejsa coraz mniej osób faktycznie korzysta
może na zachodzie i wśród młodszych pokoleń. dyskusje o hobby, zwłaszcza tych bardziej niszowych i lokalnych, ogłoszenia o pracy dla konkretnej grupy zawodowej, społeczności osiedlowe itd. nadal w Polsce istnieją głównie na FB.
posłuchajcie artykułu o tym, jak praca z AI niszczy ludzi, czytanego przez AI :3
it doesn’t support any Galaxy Watches at the time I’m writing this, but if you end up picking another device, look into Gadgetbridge and which devices it supports: https://gadgetbridge.org/
it’s a reply from a Mastodon account, which automatically tags people you’re writing your reply to.
hej Siri, jak skreślić skreślenie