Where would max even come from? That’s not in their username o.O
Hi there!
Where would max even come from? That’s not in their username o.O
fiojvd gff uiig fvg. Hh
There’s very few products which everyone can objectively say are designed for killing.
Agreed, it’s very rare, guns are absolutely one of those things though. They’re the perfect evolution of the personal handheld killing tool. You just point it at the thing you want dead, push the button, and you’ve got a good chance of deadding it immediately with your first try.
Guns don’t have a secondary use, like how a knife can whittle a tree branch into a nice spoon, or cut some thread, or skin an animal. Guns cause massive damage to whatever they are pointed at, and sometimes to the things around that thing too, if you’re particularly unlucky.
They’re the solution to a problem when you need the solution to be “escalate this situation to 1000% and start killing stuff”.
Gun manufacturers who say they’re made for defence and not killing must be delusional or confused about what their products do, or just lying to their potential customers for… who even knows what reason.
They are made to defend yourself by killing the person you need to be defended from. Pure and simple. They are truly as cut and dry a tool for killing things as there is.
Nobody is out there shooting people defensively with some non-lethal mode built in to their high speed projectile metal lumps that tear through the human body, causing parts of it to explode and massive trauma to the surrounding tissues and organs.
Do guns exist that fire beanbags, or tranquilliser darts, or such? Absolutely, but none of us here are talking about those types of more specialist guns. We’re talking about your standard gun, the kind they sell to lots of civilians in countries like the USA.
Oh, they ditched it? I was about to switch from Windscribe but I need port forwarding for all sorts of stuff every day. Oh well :-(
Ah, yes, I’m not giving an instant messenger application my phone number, it doesn’t need it, especially if I’m not even using it on a phone.
That’s private information that I only give out to close friends and family members.
We believe that the key encapsulation mechanism we have selected, CRYSTALS-Kyber, is built on solid foundations, but to be safe we do not want to simply replace our existing elliptic curve cryptography foundations with a post-quantum public key cryptosystem.
Does this sound like VX Junkies to anybody else? I feel the need to check on my turbo encabulator 😅
Well, yes. An ISP has one job, to deliver unfettered bandwidth to the end user. Full net neutrality (unlike what they have over in the USA sadly), zero throttling, etc.
That’s their one job. Just as water companies don’t get to decide what flavour our water should be, nor our electric company deciding what devices we’re allowed to plug in.
Internet is a basic and essential utility in 2023, it should be treated as such.
Instagram has group chat? I thought it was an image posting and commenting website.
So, they’re recording and stealing our corporate secrets, etc? That’s going to go down well.
So, I suppose this means the end for Zoom use in business, no company is going to allow their intellectual property and secrets to be used by another company, especially what is essentially just their telephone call provider.
How is this invading someone’s privacy? All it’s doing is detecting if children are smoking in a room or space at school and then putting an alert up about the detection on a screen.
They have zero right to privately smoke at school, or anywhere for that matter, smoking is illegal for children and not something to be taken lightly.
Similarly, adults have no right to privately smoke whilst in the workplace in the bathroom or other non-smoking designated areas. This is also illegal and not to be taken lightly.