GMaps WV looks perfect for when OSM doesn’t have the address. Thanks, looking forward to copying the GPS location out of it and pasting it right into Organic or OSM_and
Thx, time for a reinstall then
edit: naw, one has to install google play services (and sign in) in order to use their location services which are required for google maps. hard pass.
My 6a is all the phone I need. Doesn’t lag. Camera isn’t great but I hear that there is better software available than stock(?)
I think Firefox with uses Firefox location, because I’ve used it like you, to supplement the open source maps. I don’t have google location on my phone at all.
The thing I need is street addresses, which OSM doesn’t really have yet for a lot of streets.
Can you run google maps without their location service? That’s the one thing I really miss and there’s no way to do it with Calyx that I know of
Graphene OS CalyxOS Lineage OS
Those are the big three players in alternative operating systems that I know of. I use Calyx because my threat model is corporate data collection more than absolute security. Ironically, the best phones to put these operating systems on are the Google Pixel line because you can unlock and lock the bootloader. I’m not sure if there are other phones that allow this but the websites of the OS should guide you to hardware.
If you have a problem and call the police, now you have two problems. That’s not just cliche, it’s true.
Don’t call the cops, call a lawyer.