If Trump tries to invade Mexico and Israel still busy invading Syria and Russia busy Invading Ukraine, it would the perfect opportunity for China to invade Taiwan.
am not very optimistic for 2025
If Trump tries to invade Mexico and Israel still busy invading Syria and Russia busy Invading Ukraine, it would the perfect opportunity for China to invade Taiwan.
am not very optimistic for 2025
May I ask how do you know how many Israelis support media censorship? Is there a poll data somewhere I could look at?
if it is highly popular why is he so keen to silence all media including israeli media like haartz? https://www.axios.com/2024/11/25/israeli-government-votes-to-boycott-haaretz
pro tip for future bloody dictators, be sure to leave the ICC before starting your genocide to stay in the clear
Isn’t umm fighting against invasion is required by law for most countries?
These things you are experiancing are not normal. A spyware may have got to your phone somehow and if you dont know how did that happen it will likely happen again with your new android phone. What I would do if I was in your place is taking the phone to apple and ask if they coukd scan it for me.
are you someone politically important? Someone in comments mentioned israeli spyware called pigasaus and it can target both iphone and android
Vice President Joe Biden meets with Israeli Prime Minister
Joe Biden has been demoted to Vice President ?
Thanks will be very handy when I get reddit llink in search result and can not open it
I get it on reddit :/
few years ago I was contacted by digital ocean because they got reports about myserver being involved in ssh attack or something like that. Turns out my old drupal website had unpatched vulnersbilities that allowed attacker to access my system and use it for attacking others.
am not saying that to defend your provider they should have at least give you a warning. I an saying that to check yiur server as it may have been compromised
NEW YORK—The Biden administration is concerned that the Ukrainian leader’s plan for winning the war against Russia lacks a comprehensive strategy and is little more than a repackaged request for more weapons and the lifting of restrictions on long-range missiles, U.S. officials said.
For months, President Volodymyr Zelensky billed the plan as a framework to defeat Russia, and he is set to brief President Biden on the specifics Thursday during a high-profile White House meeting, the first time the Biden administration will get to hear the framework in its en
How is that legal? Could u buy a dishwasher then 3 months later it starts asking for a small fee per wash?
I know these things happen but usually you are informed in advance and bought the product at a big discount
Detectportal I think is for knowing if your internet connection requires some sort of login. Like is that case in some hotels and airports
I use self hosted VPN for many years now.
You worry that facebook would associate that static ip with you but the problem is quiet the opposite.
most website will recognize that your IP belong to a hosting company so they often suspect that you are a bot. Wikipedia wont let u edit articls, youtube wont let u comment on videos. Other than that its fine, just expect to pass more captcha.
you could pay little extra and get dynamic IP from your provider. That effectivwly changes your IP. Deleting dynamic IP and recreating it gives u a new one. But I dont do that.
I just hide in the crowed by letting others uss my VPN and rely on service providers often dismissing my IP as bot
I have been using my google account with Aurora store for couple of years now. I also use degoogled phone (lineageos) with no problem
do with this information what u wish
The Mozilla report in case some readers missed it: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/its-official-cars-are-the-worst-product-category-we-have-ever-reviewed-for-privacy/
How does that make it easy for others to know the comunities you visit / subscribed to?
Is B.C. a common abbreviation? what’s a B.C. woman?