It’s empire of dirt, but I suppose in his case, cardboard cutouts of his likeness could have worked as well. He was covering Trent Reznor’s song though.
Bob Dylan had recurring whinges that covers of his songs were often way better than the original. It seemed good-spirited. So this happens.
I just which, when artists covered Scarborough Fair from Simon and Garfunkle, they either included the Canticle counterpoint or they chose more cohesive passages from the traditional, since the cambric shirt bit and the farming pepper on the sea strand part are two different sequences.
It’s empire of dirt, but I suppose in his case, cardboard cutouts of his likeness could have worked as well. He was covering Trent Reznor’s song though.
He didn’t cover it, he claimed it. It’s a Johnny cash song now.
Bob Dylan had recurring whinges that covers of his songs were often way better than the original. It seemed good-spirited. So this happens.
I just which, when artists covered Scarborough Fair from Simon and Garfunkle, they either included the Canticle counterpoint or they chose more cohesive passages from the traditional, since the cambric shirt bit and the farming pepper on the sea strand part are two different sequences.
I was singing about mtg, major Taylor gerkoff