The US seems to turn red. While I am living in Europe I am already wondering where I should go. Is there somewhere in this world where being LGBTQ is not a constant battle and where it will likely stay that way? Because typically the insanity coming from the US swaps over to EU and many states here are already on their way to fascism on their own.

    454 months ago

    There is no safe country. There are countries that are safer than others but especially in the West, nationalism and fascism are on the rise and queer people will (and already are) falling victim to it.

    The best way to prepare is to seek a strong queer community, and volunteer to help it stay strong and healthy. Even under a fascist government you can be happy, you must only find the right people to surround yourself with. Humans are resilient, and especially queer people (especially queer ethnic minorities and queer people of colour) have lots of experience with surviving under repression.

    While you’re at it, join a workers union too because workers rights are just as fragile as queer rights.