Obviously “bizarre population pitch” is an innapropriate way to phrase it, but it’s this article’s title

  • Dyskolos
    104 months ago

    Yeah, perfect solution for declining birth-rates. I literally can’t think of ANY other way, no matter how reasonable it might be.

    That even beats the retrograde force of islam. I’m impressed.

    How about bettering the lifes of people, so they might be more inclined to procreate in this grotesque society? I didn’t procreate decades ago because the world was nuts, and boy was i right to do so. The world is even more grotesque and bonkers now. If i see people, that are not very rich, with kids i immediately have to judge their lack of judgment and their gargantuan egocentrism.

    No, stupid idea. Hystoectomies and total control of women is the only real solution. It’s all their fault.