
I’ve been looking into razors and trimmers to take care of facial and body hair, including sensitive areas. Just looking up these products shows that pretty much anything as explicitly male or female marketed, including not just stereotypical elements like colour and such, but also explicitly calling themselves “for men” or “for women”.

Is there anything to this label? Does it actually make any difference or are these just arbitrary visual differences?

Also, do people here have good recommendations for what to go for? It’d be nice to have something that maybe makes it a little easier than using disposable normal razors, as that’s associated with some major constant effort and has some less fulfilling results in sensitive areas.

Thanks for reading!

  • @mlaga97@lemmy.mlaga97.space
    43 months ago

    I use a Philips Norelco 2000-series electric foil shaver for face, chest, forearms, calves, and tummy, which combined is like 80% of my shaving activities. It works really well for me in those broad and relatively taut-skin areas, but very poorly on insides of joints like armpit where it tends to pinch. Blades last forever and it is quickly more cost effective over disposable or cartridge razors and is also quick easy, and causes a lot less razor burn for face shaving for me than anything else.

    For the rest I use a mix of cheap disposable 2-blade razors on areas where I really want a new clean blade every time for hygiene purposes and a multiblade cartridge/“cartridge razor”. I was using the gillette proglide 5-blade cartridges which work well but cost a lot, but eventually got a 3-blade leaf razor (safety razor in the form factor of a cartridge razor) which I have liked tremendously for thighs, armpits, and other areas the foikd shaver doesn’t work well for.