• @shapesandstuff@feddit.org
    23 months ago

    Yeah couple of options here:

    • he’s the guy but is irrational, mentally whatever and not the calculated genius the online hype has built him up to be
    • he’s the guy and intentionally got himself caught / planned to give himself up for a variety of possible reasons (acting as a public figure, mental instability, guilt, sense of righteousness/justice idk)
    • he’s not the guy and the information on the gun and ID is false or misrepresented
    • he’s not the guy but a whole slew of planted evidence, fake/exaggerated reporting etc make him out to be the guy, which imo seems like the most conspiracy-nutty take. not saying it’s not possible but it seems the least likely.
    • @B0rax@feddit.org
      13 months ago

      Maybe he is betting on the broken justice system and the jury to find him „not guilty“.