For those unaware, Christop Hellwig is the Linux maintainer who tried to block Rust bindings for DMA.

  • Yardy Sardley
    2820 days ago

    Such is the problem with dictators in any situation. A benevolent dictator might be one of the most productive ways to run a project, but at some point there has to be a successor. Even a mildly-less-benevolent dictator could cause a lot of damage. Linux needs a governance structure with checks and balances even if it means slower decision making; it’s too important to let fall into the wrong hands.

    • Phoenixz
      419 days ago

      Fully agree with this

      Any dictator at some point can cause irreparable harm, this is something that should never be able to happen.

      This is coming from a huge fan of Linus, he really is a hero to me