“It’s crucial that your support for Ukraine doesn’t decrease but instead continues and grows,” Zelenskiy said, according to a text of the speech. “And this is especially true for air defense, military aid, and our overall resilience.”
It’s crucial, why? What will it accomplish?
Kallas has put forward a proposal for EU members to deliver as much as €40 billion in military aid this year, stepping up after €20 billion flowed to Kyiv in 2024. Assistance would be voluntary, but participants would be encouraged to make contributions in cash or equipment in proportion to their respective economies. After several countries balked, the debate was narrowed to focus this week on the ammunition component.
Amazing. Every EU country is rushing to ramp up military spending by using the war as justification. Hundreds of millions of euros have been slashed from welfare budgets. And yet, they don’t want to spend any of this money in the country where the war is actually happening!
And yet, they don’t want to spend any of this money in the country where the war is actually happening!
This has probably something to do with the fact both Zelensky and US auditors noticed (albeit with radically different explanations) that half of the money and resources send to Ukraine never getting recieved by the intended recipients.
Oh and the fact it’s never been about Ukraine, EU is just sinking into crisis and neolib fash always have one single solution for that: slash welfare, buy weapons. War is just convenient excuse for the fact they compradored way too much, got burned by their masters and now have hands deep in the toilet.
It’s crucial, why? What will it accomplish?
Amazing. Every EU country is rushing to ramp up military spending by using the war as justification. Hundreds of millions of euros have been slashed from welfare budgets. And yet, they don’t want to spend any of this money in the country where the war is actually happening!
This has probably something to do with the fact both Zelensky and US auditors noticed (albeit with radically different explanations) that half of the money and resources send to Ukraine never getting recieved by the intended recipients.
Oh and the fact it’s never been about Ukraine, EU is just sinking into crisis and neolib fash always have one single solution for that: slash welfare, buy weapons. War is just convenient excuse for the fact they compradored way too much, got burned by their masters and now have hands deep in the toilet.