I reported them for harassment with the following statement:
The purpose of this group is to review bomb any game that has gay representation. Their discussion threads talk about using other platforms to discriminate against LGBTQ+ communities and individuals to circumvent Steam’s TOS policies. This type of behavior promotes discrimination, review brigading, and toxicity. It is surprising Steam is tolerating such open homophobia on this platform.
With that absolutely pathetic follower count I’m not too surprised it’s still going under the radar.
Compared to curators that people actually care about, that’s a fraction of a fraction.
And yet, none of that makes it any less disgusting or any more acceptable.
Their point is Steam likely doesn’t condone this behavior; they just weren’t aware of it. Reporting it to bring it to their attention will likely get it removed.
No part of my comment suggests otherwise.
It is invisible under recommended, for me. I had to switch to “most popular” to even display it after an explicit search.
I mean… as much as it’s dumb, everyone has a right to make a list and review games how they wish, right? Some gamers don’t like loot boxes, others don’t like [checks notes] DEI or PoC in games. Better those people don’t buy a game and end up toxic elements in the gamespace, right?
I mean… as much as it’s dumb, everyone has a right to make a list and review games how they wish, right? Some gamers don’t like loot boxes, others don’t like [checks notes] DEI or PoC in games. Better those people don’t buy a game and end up toxic elements in the gamespace, right?
Making crystal clear to people like this like they are not even remotely welcome in your community after they let it slide that they have hateful vile opinions is the only solution. Everything else offloads the pain and suffering onto the victims in favor of not doing shit to actually kick those toxic people out of any respectable place that they can make their tiny pathetic voices of anti-trans, racist and sexist tirades of insecurity rise above a cacophony of shame and insults thrown back at them.
Throw eggs, shame these people, and though we can’t make them go away, after all we define ourselves on our desire not to wish harm or erase groups of people, there is no conflict here, these people have always been here and will always be here, the question is how afraid they are to let their disgusting hate hang out in daylight at any particular time. Bigots are cowards and they will fall in line as they always do when they realize the crosshairs are beginning to turn back around onto them, our job is clear.
Basically the correct play here is to force bigots to be closeted bigots, make them deal with what LGBTQ+ people have endured, see how their fragile snowflake personalities shatter on the tiniest bit of friction and pushback from someone who isn’t afraid of them.
Aka, let’s just have a nice time without them ok :)
Basically the correct play here is to force bigots to be closeted bigots, make them deal with what LGBTQ+ people have endured
I agree with the sentiment but I don’t think you are being completely honest with yourself. Churches are the worst offenders in this whole deal, yet for some reason pastors, priests and their congregations go about merrily with their lives. Going for some idiots while these engines of hate keep working is wasting your efforts. Churches should be permanently vandalized and people should be protesting outside, shaming anyone who goes in there. Why are they getting away with it?
Why are they getting away with it?
Established culture, critical mass, and platform ownership.
Steam is an online platform owned by Valve. They have ToS and a Code of Conduct. Those are published, announced baselines you can compare and report against.
Churches are not all the same, and are generally not on a platform with authority you report them to.
You’re asking for public shaming. Which can and does [sometimes] happen as bad press, protests, and prosecutions. But generally, it’s more difficult and higher risk in the real-life public, and less likely to succeed given their established nature.
Lootboxes influence how the game plays. Inclusive characters is [an issue of] perception, not gameplay.
Opposing inclusion [of other kinds of people] is different from opposing mechanics.
It’s funny how they can never define “woke” when asked but have no problem labeling any sort of inclusion as woke when they make a list of woke things. To them, woke is just the safe word to say instead of the slurs they want to say.
Anything that isn’t a straight white male = woke.
Even that’s woke, according to their definition.
“Straight”—sexuality = woke “White”—race = woke “Male”—gender = woke
I guess games just can’t have any characters in them at all anymore, in case one of them has a race or a gender that gets referenced.
Here’s the groups definition - it’s linked in one of the forums. Your instance might filter some words:
Wow. I thought to myself surely they would be using some blatant dog whistle for the removed, but nope, steam is fully letting them rate games negatively by using every slur in the book.
This definitely looks much worse for steam than any of these sad, lifeless homunculi. I reported them and made note about how letting this group continue looks awful for steam and not taking action reads as endorsement.
If I didn’t know I wouldn’t get a rational response, I’d love to ask them where it makes sense for those “removeds” to be. Especially in fantasy games.
Are the 'removed’s n-bombs?
Christ almighty. I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt (and struggling tbh), but this is just inexcusably bad
“Immigration is woke but also native people are woke,” and the rest of the list is similarly frothing and delusional. They struggle to finish a sentence without adding a hard R.
This looks like it’s for a different steam curator than the one in op’s screenshot. Still probably a tos violation ofc
Looks like it’s time to report bomb.
Its even funnier that they coopted “woke” as a negative term in the first place. Just blatantly telling on themselves.
Yeah it is. I was around when woke first started making its rounds and it was used to describe people who were aware of social injustice against them, mostly black people at the time. I’m not surprised that the word made it into common use, just surprised at the audacity of people using it as a strong negative against equality and inclusion.
About 100 years ago the word was intellectuals.
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Gay people exist.
BippinThatBop took that personally.
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Just say you don’t like gay people
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This comment is an excellent example of how every word uttered by a conservative is either deception or manipulation.
It is not possible for a conservative to enter any conversation in good faith. Honesty is simply not a conservative trait. It never has been.
There is a cure for this plague of conservatism, but it is not a pleasant one.
"I like gay/trans people, but they are a political issue. 🤓☝️"
Pick a lane.
The curator has a review for Summer House that mentions a white kid sitting with a black kid and labels it “subtle pro-DEI messaging”. I didn’t know that black people being included in things makes it woke.
Yeah except in the post they’re trying to argue that LGBTQ people existing in media is woke. News flash LGBTQ people exist and want options in their media to be able to reflect who they are whether that’s through more character customization options or stories that include LGBTQ characters. That shouldn’t be political and at least for some of those things I don’t see why gamers complain like character creation stuff it is literally just giving you more options when you make a character.
Here’s a hint dude: there’s politics in everything even if it’s not the main theme. If you don’t like it, it’s probably because you don’t like the politics on display.
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You treat people existing as political.
Is a gay couple in a movie political?
Why isn’t a straight couple political?
Ok, let’s try this:
Name a piece of media. Any media. Book, film, TV show, game, etc.
I’m sorry? You seem to be under the assumption that I am required to jump at your request.
I don’t owe you anything. Please be insufferable somewhere else.
Protip: I doubt you talk like this to people in real life, bc you’d get your ass handed to you EVERYTIME
I’m under no assumption that you are required to jump at my request. Frankly, I’d prefer you graciously replied to the comment.
Nobody is forcing you here, relax mate, it’s only the internet.
Would sir kindly suggest his favourite piece of non-political media as I would like to indulge.
That’s a really smart move on your part, disengaging with the conversation the moment someone claims they can demonstrate the ridiculousness of your beliefs.
Crisis averted, well done
Minorities existing should not be political.
The lion, the witch, and the caucasity of this bitch (Hint: You need to be quite privileged to unironically think like that.)
Politics refers to the systems we create to form and guide the shape of society. Every aspect of existence in society is, by definition, political.
The existence of queer and non-white people is not leftist, it’s objective, observable reality, free of political bias.
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Yeah, I know everyone knows they exist, that’s what “objective, observable reality” referred to. Reread the first part of my comment, that’s the part that directly relates to what you said.
There’s no such thing as objective reality. Our existence as trans people is transgressive, implicitly deconstructing white supremacist consensus reality. Trans people are destroying reality 🏳️⚧️ http://soulism.net
is this the wrong time to tell you about white supremacist trans people? do trans persons challenge gender norms? yes. do they challenge racial prejudice? not really. are the two often conflated because the largest supremacist group is hella transphobic, yes.
Consensus reality is an interlocking system of oppressions and bigotries. All the oppressed peoples of the world have a single fight, and it is against realism.
hey it’s fine if you do mushrooms or whatever but can you please keep the insane thoughts to yourself
No and also go fuck yourself.
Your statement is self contradictory. If Reality is Objective, then it can’t be destroyed.
True reality is objective, and does not exist. Fake consensus reality is not objective, though it claims to be.
Fake consensus reality is not objective, though it claims to be.
I’d like to know an example of what you’re talking about. If you mean Scientific Consensus, it doesn’t claim to be, but it’s a hell of a lot closer to saying “shut up, god did it.”
Sounds more like you found yourself in some youtube hole with a consensus that doesn’t reflect reality.
Sure, here’s an example of a false consensus by society: “there exist such things as human beings”
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A: “I hate you.”
B: “I hate you too.”
A: “I hate you more.”
B: “Not as much as I hate you.”
A&B: “Bleh.”
Is it incessant virtue signaling for your gay son to show up with his boyfriend to dinner?
As a millennial, there were very few games where I wasn’t shuffled into an obligatory straight romance. The only real options were Fable and The Sims. I was desperate enough that I learned to program and mod video games solely to make gay options. Swapped out models, or pain stakingly changed every single “sex == 1” conditional.
I can’t really think of any big games that force you to be gay.
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Tofay i learned that the existence of Women, Queer People and Non-whites is political.
Conservatives are using political power to oppress and exterminate such people, so they’ve made it political.
The question now is “what is the appropriate response to those who oppress and exterminate the vulnerable?” Historically, the answer has always involved the use of deadly force.
who are watching sports or having Thanksgiving dinner
Did one of your relatives talk too much during sportsball?
No one likes the guy who rants about politicians over thanksgiving dinner.
No one is advocating they want to interrupt dinner time to hold their family hostage to their political stance.
It’s interesting because your examples are things that are absolutely crammed with right wing stuff - all that pro-war military pageantry and flag shagging, a lot of countries have it in degrees but America is intense for it. The right wingers in the sport crowds are loudly political too, and notoriously so at Thanksgiving… and of course capitalism has just totally dominated all these things, superbowl is an advert and merchandising business that has a game go on between the main sponsorship events.
What you’re really talking about is that those capitalists making adverts are trying to appeal to modern demographics and audiences that are no longer impressed by the bland fantasy vision of america which old propaganda relied upon.
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They’re making the (correct) observation that the two things you call out as things people want to “just enjoy” are also filled to the brim with political messaging. You just don’t see it as “political” because you either explicitly, consciously agree with the political messages being conveyed, or because you’re blind to them (either because of an implicit, unconscious agreement with the messaging, or because your environment has normalized the message to the point that you don’t realize it’s political to begin with).
In other words, you say it’s a complaint about “leftist messaging being shoved into nonpolitical things,” but in reality it’s not really being shoved in your face any more than any other type of political messaging, you’re just seeing messaging you either haven’t normalized yet or disagree with, both of which make it stand out more in your brain (either due to the novelty effect, or the backfire effect, respectively).
Do you not remember where “Let’s go Brandon” came from? Rightwingers interrupted an interview with shouts of “Fuck Joe Biden” and the interviewee tried bring attention back to the interview.
It’s not a virtue if it’s just normal. Trying to repress normal things and pretend they don’t exist, and then getting mad anytime you still manage to see them is just a way of life that is going to lead to constantly being angry.
Translation: including anybody who differs from you in any way.
Nope woke means being aware of systemic injustices. What you describe is people with a saviour complex being ineffective, annoying, failures at praxis. Alternatively, rightoid snowflakes being triggered by being reminded that people different from them exist. The Acolyte is a nice recent example: It’s no Andor but definitely not a bad show, by recent Star Wars standards definitely one of the good ones. Yet a whole mob of people got triggered because, what, I don’t even get it. And before anyone says “It breaks with canon” no it fucking doesn’t.
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I think you’re under the impression that you are smarter then you actually are.
Ehehehe gotem
Conveniently everything is categorized as “white or political,” “cishet or political,” “Christian or political,” so everyone you don’t want to listen to will have to shut up.
Find me a subject that isn’t at all political and you’ll have a very dull subject that has zero potential to affect anyone in any way.
No, woke means calling out systemic racism and fighting back against it.
What YOU call “woke” is “my fee fees hurt when straight white man not world savior”
You pathetic shit.
having Thanksgiving dinner
Funny, I always remember is the cranky old men bring up politics during Thanksgiving dinner. I’ll take your word on the movies though. I gave up watching them because I started noticing how conservative movies are. Much easier to find an environmentalist villain then a environmentalist hero.
Either that or you’re fine with people not being able to have a voice as long as you have.
You sound like an incel who’d vote RP. Back to the basement with you.
Don’t worry guys, I’ll sift through all this gay hentai so you guys don’t have to I’m a hero!
Thanks lad, can’t wait for you to find all the airport toilets that should be avoided so I don’t accidentally wander my way into a BJ.
I keep telling all these gay men to stop sucking my cock but they just won’t! I’m really annoyed about it!
It just makes you wonder - where did he get those amazing boots?
[…] Non-binary character option.
HoW dArE tHeY GiVe Me OpTiOnS?!
P R O N O U N S ? ! ? !
My brain is barely able to handle amateur nouns!
Some of their reviews are so petty that I want to believe it’s satire (though I know it’s not). Game has a girl that wants to be an astrophysicist? Woke. PCs fighting equally well regardless of gender? Woke. Literally any POC in the game at all? Woke.
These people are so fucking pathetic and hateful, it’s mind boggling. I struggle to imagine how they get through a single day without passing out from the shock of seeing all the “woke” things around them.
😠 😠 😠
“Portrays an ‘alternate history’ version of the internet in 1999 which is more ‘inclusive’ than it actually was.”
Conservatives didn’t even know how to use a computer in the 90’s. Stormfront was created in 95, but it’s userbase was tiny compared to those private facebook groups today.
You have been permanently banned from c/Conservative.
Can you imagine getting naked and doing the thing with one of these people!!
It would be like having a conversation with a cardboard box.
You and I converse very differently XD
Anyone else using this to find new “”“woke”“” games to play? (After reporting for bigotry, of course)
Sadly I expect this kinda shit to be normal
- I used to get various death threats because of a trans flag in my profile, it’s been replaced by spam scammers
- When they didn’t take down the Rittenhouse game that stung a bit…
I don’t see this as an issue, I see it as a recommendation list.
These are literally reviews pulling down the review ratings of the games
They are legitimate reviews.
Maybe they’re shit games.
Nah, just shit people promoting their typical conservative bigotry.
I never played Hypnospace Outlaws, but Slayers X by the same dev is awesome. Also devoid of any politics. I have a hard time believing Hypnospace Outlaws has any strong politics other then characters having none-cis identities.
old timey news flash with a spinning newspaper headline flashing into view
Tetris has entered the chat.
waves to tetris
Tetris is in good company here!
Yeah, the story behind the game is political, but the game itself isn’t. Not to say those early, arcade games couldn’t be political. The Death Race game, was based on Death Race 2000, a satire on violence in media.
I’m not afraid of politics in media. I just don’t agree with the statement that “All media has politics”. The anti-woke crowd would have you believe that all new media has politics in it, which is an absolutely ridiculous claim.
If they were, they wouldn’t need a group to influence the outcome.
Have you actually read the post?
Sure. For me the score is one of the last things I consider, so review bombing and what ever the opposite is called aren’t all that important.
These weirdos even think there’s an LGBTQ character and boom, instantly triggered. Bonus points for a minority existing as anything else but a target.
Lol wonder how they feel if main character is tentacles.
LGBT is a tag on steam so it’s really redundant, bigots can just filter the tag on their account page.
They don’t want to filter it for themselves, they want to filter it for everybody or better yet, stop it being produced in the first place. They make their tantrums as public as they can for a reason.
what, you think a company that makes more than ten billion dollars a year should be able to afford basic moderation?
Just know this is against the Steam TOS but they would have to be reported to have any action taken and it probably won’t happen quickly.
It’s not against ToS. Curation lists discriminate no one.
who curates the curators?
You do? We all do? We choose to follow some and block others.
it was a play on who watches the watchers, not a serious question
Fair enough. I thought it was both =D
Steam curators are such a stupid feature, why would I care about reviews from some specific person instead of just general users? Also clearly a lot of the curators haven’t played the game because lots of them already have reviews on unreleased games
Curators are just the steam equivalent of movie reviewers.
If you get familiar with a reviewer’s take on things it can help to know if something will be enjoyable based on their preferences to yours. For me, I loved Ebert’s reviews because it wasn’t the score he gave, but how he worded the review. Some reviews were listing the things he disliked, but since I knew he disliked certain things I loved, it let me know that kind of movie getting a low review from him meant it would be dumb fun and not pretentious. Butbif he mentioned something that we both disliked, I knew to skip that movie.
Ebert famously reviewed a few things without giving a score; I believe one of them was Human Centipede about which he said, to paraphrase, “You’ll like this if this is the sort of thing you like.”
There’s a big aspect of genre siloing in gaming. Games tend to be developed very hard into specific genres and tropes, not all of which are things I like. However, game developers don’t necessarily like to be categorized that way, so the way things are marketed can get very muddled. I like games that are the sort of thing that I like, and when creators are actively working against me finding out what kind of game they made, I don’t always know what games are a good match for my tastes.
Then add to that: Often games will get very high ratings because the niche of players they cater to thinks the game is sitting near the apex of that niche–and nobody outside the niche is playing that game. But if that niche is, say, visual novels (which bore me to death), I’m not going to like a game. The high rating is, to me, a false signal.
But this is where curators can help! The fact that it’s a specific person with that specific person’s tastes is good if I happen to share those tastes. It helps me to avoid high-rated games that don’t contain the elements I enjoy in a game; and to find the games that cater to my tastes but aren’t marketed in a way that I recognize.
I need to know if I can pet the dog.
I just use the Denuvo one.
That information was actually added to Steam a while ago. There’s a gold box to the right of the store page under the compatibility section that says what third party DRM a game uses as well as if it requires agreeing to a EULA.
I’d also recommend the SteamDB browser extension if you want more information while browsing the store. It adds a ton of features such as displaying when a game was last updated, historical pricing, automatically skipping the age gate page, and a bunch more.
Yes, but he curator does inform you of removed Denuvo too. So if you browser some 80% off package deal and see that you can make a decision again on something you previously wouldn’t have considered.
Luckily, thanks to Denuvo’s bullshit licensing fees you can usually assume it’ll be removed after a year (assuming the developer is still putting out updates).
The curator system was Steams answer to all the asset flips and scam games,
I found them pretty useful. Total Biscuit led me to some great games back in the day.
Oh no, bro! Hypnospace Outlaw portrays a version of the Internet in 1999 that is more diverse and inclusive than it actually was?? Oh no!
I remember the Internet of 1999. It was full of awesome weirdos. Everyone thought it was great that awesome weirdos had a place to say what they want to say.
If anything, in some senses, the Internet of 1999 was far more diverse and inclusive than the Internet of today.
They think old internet was iDubbz types screaming the n-word, racist and homophobic jokes in flash games, and 4chan. One of these chuds were even angry at me when I told them forums had usernames and 4chan was kind of looked down by others for its algorithm rewarding rage baits and similar stuff.
I’d be angry if you told me 4chan had an “algorithm” too… It had a raw ass bump order and that’s it (does that reward rage bait? Kinda yeah but so does any activity metric). Algorithms design to guess what posts you want to see are the worst part of modern social media which refuses to just show you all of a user or group’s posts in order.
It was way more primitive, but post that got more engagement often were on top. This lead to users trying to bait each other for more comments, thus some fame, all without any name.
The funny thing about that is that what makes Hypnospace Outlaw so good is that the era of the internet it portrays was exactly that diverse and inclusive! Yes, there were both women and PoC creating stuff on it long before there were chuds going around calling everything woke. And, you still spend a good portion of that game moderating flame wars between two teenage boys over their made-up girlfriends. So I don’t know where he’s getting an idea that the game is anything but a realistic depiction of that era. Maybe if his awareness of Internet culture only began in the 2010s.