A private vpn is an oxymoron. Since you tunnel all your data to some server.
Google and privacy is an oxymoron.
“Google private vpn” would be a mega oxymoron.
Not really. What if it’s your VPN? Mine allows me access to my home network, which is its primary focus, but it also obfuscates what my phone is doing online, and blocks trackers.
(Adguard home and wireguard)
It also lets me use my phone on 4chan… so there’s that.
If you’re of the few people on earth to care enough and knows enough to set it’s own vpn, sure. but otherwise, NordVPN gonna still sponsor youtubers and lure people into a false sense of privacy.
I thought Nord was one of the ones that doesn’t keep activity logs, no?
I don’t have any evidence to the contrary, but in general it’s suspicious when a company markets features like that so hard when there’s no reliable way an outsider can verify that the claim is accurate (still)
I remember this, and a quick google corroborates, that they’ve had 3 independent 3rd party audits and have been verified each time as not keeping activity logs. I think they’re one of the good ones.
Strps to set up my own VPN:
- Navigate to my router’s configuration page
- Select Configure VPN server
- Click Generate Certificate button
- Download certificate
- Enable VPN networking on my device
- Import downloaded certificate
It’s that simple. If you don’t have your own firewall, you can just deploy Tailscale on all devices you want to be able to communicate with each other, which uses Wireguard under the hood.
As someone who manages a tailscale network at my work…I just want to point out that tailscale is a tiny bit more complicated than just downloading and installing. Not much but…
That said the ability to automate wireguard connections is wonderful and everyone should check it out.
Commercial services have tainted the word for sure.
You’re right, but there are definitely good ones out there
“Private” in “virtual private network” means “routed by different rules”. It’s the same “private” that’s in “private Internet Protocol addresses”.
It was never about personal privacy.
yeah, an oxy-unbelievably-dense-motherfucker
Sir, we reached critical mass, It’s turning into a black hole !
It’s an oximoron in every company which make money with surveillance advertisings. Google undoubtedly has apps and services with a very high quality and often without real competition or alternative, but this has a very high cost and if the main income, apart from some paid services, is based on selling user data to advertising companies, it is logical and almost inevitable that it becomes a data moloch that uses any dirty trick to obtain these. It is an axiom: power corrupts
Mozilla now regrets having signed with Google as a sponsor and is now trying to get out of this contract, especially since Google plans to introduce this WEI DRM, but Alphabet is not doing this the easy way and Mozilla depends a lot on this money to maintain its infrastructure. We will see what comes of this, but it is really urgent that Mozilla changes its business model, it would be very desirable and necessary.
Moral: If you want to maintain your independence and freedom, do not accept outside investors
It was an Interesting read, thanks
tunnel all your data through a very special GOOGLE server.
The most oxymoronic
Oxycontonic even.
Buddy, I wish 😮💨
No, you don’t.
Really, I do 🪡
And it’ll be gone in two years.
That long? Make your bets folks!
It launched in 2020 so giving it another 2 is a long shot
Or, they’ll bake it into Chrome, thus controlling all advertising.
I’d put money on it.
Your logs won’t ;)
The “P” is silent.
No, P stands for public
I think you’ll find it stands for parasitic.
Lmao “Cops sell drugs now” :D
Caps have always sold drugs.
Some of those that work forces
Always have.
I thought it was the CIA?
This is actually really useful if you want to be tracked more by google
Google’s unbelievably aggressive BS is the just about the only reason I run a VPN. Despite taking extraordinary steps to block them, Google still manages to regularly shove their BS into my life.
Google removed “Don’t Be Evil” from their mission statement for a reason.
Oh sure. Use the company known for mining the fuck out of personal data to protect my personal data from being mined.
deleted by creator
No fucking way will Google EVER be my VPN.
There are way worst VPNs out there, they are not only a scam and spyware, like Google- or Opera"VPNs", they also dangerous. eg Hola VPN 🥶 Apart of Windscribe, Proton and maybe Calyx, there isn’t any trustworth free VPN out there, and all free, even if they are trustworth are limited, in use of monthly amount of data (10 Gb in Windscribe), or/and in the amount of servers. If a free VPN offers a lot of servers AND unlimited amount of data, by definition is a scam or worse. Servers cost money and free VPN only can offer free dedicated public servers and there a not so much, only a few in some countries.
I’m surprised meta don’t create a vpn product.
But yeah, No way either of them would ever be my vpn.
They want to make sure noone else can steal your data…
… but them.
Feel like I’ll get flamed for saying it but I use this service and I think it’s good. I don’t see the privacy concern. If you look at the privacy policy they state that they essentially do not use your browsing activity for anything other than ensuring the vpn is working. They also open source their client application. Anyone can say they’re evil and they lie or whatever but in my country and many others the statements they’ve made about how this works and the data they use mean something.
I’m iffy about giving more days to Google, but I use their VPN when I’m on any kind of questionable WiFi. I’d rather give the data to Google than to whatever random place is getting it from my hotels or whatever.
I also have a VPN server setup at home, but generally routing everything through home is too slow (for now, I might be getting significantly increased upload speed soon).
I agree, even if they are harvesting that data I’d honestly rather it was Google than a thousand little companies that barely anyone even knows exist and can get away with more illegal action.
I think most people in this thread are missing the point of this service. This is 100% a valid option when traveling and needing to protect yourself while using public wifi. This exists to protect yourself from identity theft and fraud.
It’s like any other VPN service. It’s all a question of who you want to trust.
Those both sound like you things
— Brian Griffin said upon learning Quagmire has a win/win relationship with his dentist where he 1) buys nitrous oxide from him and 2) bangs his wife
What could possibly go wrong?
you didn’t see this two years ago? maybe 3
Oh my, I thought this was a joke!
Ahh so you can pay them to serve you ads now! Neat!