The carrier on Friday said it launched a media platform to serve travelers personalized advertisements on seat-back screens and in its app, among other platforms, as it seeks to leverage customer data.

    489 months ago

    I was just pumping gas the other day, and while I’m at it there’s this cellphone speaker music that starts really loudly, like the phone is at 400% audio.

    Motherfucking screen started playing an ad I couldn’t skip. Soon theyre just going to loop audible ads everywhere we go, in public spaces.

    Since then I’ve avoided this brand of gas station and affiliates, but I won’t be able to hide for long.

      189 months ago

      you can press one of the buttons, if it’s one of those with the eight buttons (4 on each side of the screen. for me it was the second button down from the top on the right side. i only had to press it once to mute, but i heard u might have to press up to 4 times