And since you won’t be able to modify web pages, it will also mean the end of customization, either for looks (ie. DarkReader, Stylus), conveniance (ie. Tampermonkey) or accessibility.

The community feedback is… interesting to say the least.

    2 years ago

    What’s your alternative?

    EDIT: Oh I just found in the profile. It’s Brave. I used it for half a year before I got tired of the crypto ads sneaking into my home page’s links no matter how many times I deleted them and of some other stuff. I prefer Firefox’s UI. Also I don’t expect any browser to be 100% ethical but Brave is below Firefox in that list for me

      22 years ago

      If you truly cared about the state of the internet youd only browse websites with wget and text editors

      Or something

      12 years ago

      It doesn’t matter and it’s irrelevant here. I just despise Mozilla and their false morality. Use whatever you want.

        22 years ago

        It’s not irrelevant since you stated Firefox is less good than what you are using now. Of course people are interested in a feasible alternative. So, since you introduced it, what are you using instead?

          2 years ago

          I said that I feel it’s less good. I’m not going to tell people what they should use and I surely won’t tell them to use the same browser I use. People should simply use whatever they prefer/suits them best.

          2 years ago

          I didn’t know I was so evil that I’m doing the world a worse place just because I prefer a different browser. And I’m ideologically far form alt-right, btw.

          OTOH, talking about corporate greed:

          • that is a funny graph. Even assuming the data is true, it deliberately missrepresents market share as usage. Which pretty much neglects the fact hat maybe a person or two and a device with a browser or two have entered the market since then.

            Also it does not have any information on source of the data, methodology, definition of the terms etc. So it is pretty much worthless as an argument.

              12 years ago

              that is a funny graph. Even assuming the data is true, it deliberately missrepresents market share as usage. Which pretty much neglects the fact hat maybe a person or two and a device with a browser or two have entered the market since then.

              Fine, so on the same basis we can also reject the “chromium dominance” argument, which is the main selling point of Mozilla.

          12 years ago

          “inhuman immorality” LOL

          Listen, man… I’m all for LBGT+ people rights, but let’s be real donating few thousands on a campaign is far from “inhuman immorality”.

      12 years ago

      Nice detective skills. I have the opposite view about Brave/Mozilla. But fine, we can agree to disagree and still be (virtual) friends.