So, Telegram has launched horrible ads that look a lot like spam to me. At least in my channels it’s typically some crypto bullshit. So, I wonder if people know about alternatives to the subscription service for blocking them? Sadly, Forkgram won’t offer that option and it doesn’t seem to be allowed. However, I wonder if there are still forks out there which block the ads? Or do people know of alternative options?

    49 months ago

    Why were you under that impression? No default encryption, no group chat encryption. Data on the servers, meta data, company resides in UAE and many more. Wenn don’t know what’s und er the hood of WhatsApp but what de know about Telegram is nauseatic

      9 months ago

      We know WhatsApp uses the Signal protocol for encryption, but it also collects a lot of metadata. Arguably still better than Telegram that collects everything. Its secret chats may be e2ee but nobody uses them even for discussing sensitive matters, and they don’t work on the Desktop.