• asudox
    8 months ago

    Nostr communities were calling it a honeypot (even though all they talk about everyday is cryptocurrencies). I am also calling it a honeypot. Also, if they care about privacy, why not make Proton Wallet compatible with Monero? This is why I left Protonmail after one year of using it. They are the shittiest privacy company ever. They only seem like they care about privacy, but I know they aren’t. I mean, any privacy focused company that has that “Hot now” or “Best seller” etc. thing on their pricing page can’t be trusted. I switched to Posteo since their privacy policy and website seem to be much much better than what Protonmail’s ever could be. They don’t even support POP3, fortunately Posteo does. Proton was redirecting Tor users from their .onion domains to clear net domains a few years ago and even then they were requiring a SMS verification just because you were using Tor. How “private” of them.

    People on Lemmy really should start realizing this about Proton but some are just stubborn.

    • They are the shittiest company ever.

      You are allowed to hate Proton, but don’t be hyperbolic about it. There are far worse companies, just a few of which are Nestlé, Del Monte, and Chiquita (formerly the United Food Company), all of which have committed genocide in the pursuit of their profit.

      The last time I checked, Proton has never committed genocide to further their goals.

      • asudox
        -78 months ago

        How did you get from Proton to Nestle? I am here to discuss privacy and tech, not food.

    • @notanaltaccount@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      i wonder if they are a honeypot too

      If you use a free tier VPN, which doesn’t allow torrenting, then connect tor to it, then connect another non-tor encrypted connection to that (such as a different VPN), if you torrent from the different VPN (an encrypted VPN stream that passes through Proton), they still detect torrenting. This suggests advanced DPI. What no log VPN needs DPI?

      They also have dark design elements including logs you have to turn off by default.

      Proton also does aggressive scanning of certain things users do and will shut down accounts based on that. The problem is what privacy focused company scans user stuff like that?

      They also log multiple browser metrics when signing up or at least access them, such as audio context fingerprints. Is that really important for the sign up process?

      It wasn’t bad they gave up info to jail an activist, it was bad they said in their marketing materials they couldnt and didnt do that.

      ProtonVPN also for many years never accepted Monero and their email didn’t as well. So they care about privacy, but won’t accept the privacy crypto? There wasn’t a rational explanation for it, unless they are a honeypot. There were third parties who could have accepted the funds. The whole thing was unusual. It was incredibly suspicious. If you care about privacy so much, why not accept Monero for your email services? This is the most damning part of this. If they are a honeypot, it makes sense, if they aren’t it’s a head scratcher.

      It could be a coincidence? Possibly? But probably it isn’t. Everyone who loves privacy loves XMR. They don’t like XMR. You know who hates XMR? Governments. And so if someone is saying “I love privacy” and has numerous complex programs released, but then says XMR is too hard to accept, it should indicate something is odd.

      • asudox
        8 months ago

        Exactly. There’s no reason for them to support Bitcoin over Monero in their wallet if they care about privacy. Also, bitcoin can be used for paying for their subscriptions but not monero.

        Their reason is just so that crypto bros get interested in it and other people who are still under the assumption that bitcoin is the most private and secure.


        This has been ignored by Proton for over 6 years now. And it has like 2800 votes.

        This is a pretty big red flag for a privacy company.