For those unaware, Njalla is an anonymous domain registrar though I’m hoping many of you already know.

What are your thoughts on Njalla? I’ve got a domain with them already and renewal is coming up this August, but I’m kinda feeling doubt with their Trustpilot reviews.

  1. Is Trustpilot even accurate?
  2. Who are all those one-star reviewers?
  3. Is Njalla a scam? Has anyone here had good experiences with them?

The website there is just my personal website. There’s not much “shady” stuff on it (

  • LemuriaOP
    38 months ago

    Not many results for Njalla there, just someone saying they have a few of them through Njalla but offering no thoughts of the service

      8 months ago

      Try posting a question there. I think new accounts have to be manually approved so it may take a day or so before you can post, but it’s a good forum if you’re into self hosting.