This CL moves the base::Feature from content_features.h to
a generated feature from runtime_enabled_features.json5.
This means that the base::Feature can be default-enabled
while the web API is co...
It’s small, but here’s a real actionable item that you can do to help:
Put a gentle “Use Firefox” (or any other non-Chromium-based browser) message on your website. It doesn’t have to be in-your-face, just something small. I’ve taken my own advice and added it to my own website: (Only appears in Chromium-based browsers.)
We can slowly turn the tide, little by little.
Copy and paste:
This site is designed for <ahref="">Firefox</a>,
a web browser that respects your privacy.
I have a banner on mine as well that I did a couple weeks ago:
I’m mad tho since it has false positives with Mulch / Bromite on Android. I wasn’t able to find something right away to detect it, but the DRM stuff would probably work.
This site is designed for <ahref="">Firefox</a>,
a web browser that respects your privacy.
</p><style>@-moz-document url-prefix() { .not-firefox-warning { display: none; }}
It’s small, but here’s a real actionable item that you can do to help:
Put a gentle “Use Firefox” (or any other non-Chromium-based browser) message on your website. It doesn’t have to be in-your-face, just something small. I’ve taken my own advice and added it to my own website: (Only appears in Chromium-based browsers.)
We can slowly turn the tide, little by little.
Copy and paste:
<p> This site is designed for <a href="">Firefox</a>, a web browser that respects your privacy. </p>
(I also posted this on the HN discussion.)
I have a banner on mine as well that I did a couple weeks ago:
I’m mad tho since it has false positives with Mulch / Bromite on Android. I wasn’t able to find something right away to detect it, but the DRM stuff would probably work.
One way to hide it for Firefox users.
<p class="not-firefox-warning"> This site is designed for <a href="">Firefox</a>, a web browser that respects your privacy. </p> <style> @-moz-document url-prefix() { .not-firefox-warning { display: none; }} </style>
Your browser supports Web-DRM. Some features might not be available.
[Cackles in Evil Spanish]
This website does not support browsers that support web-drm
Turn it against them.