Been using SearXNG for about a year now, and I just can’t deal with instances constantly getting blocked by search engines anymore. So I’d like to find something a bit more reliable. I’ve read that DuckDuckGo has had some controversies in the past, and I wouldn’t touch Brave with a 39 and a half foot pole.

  • Lettuce eat lettuce
    12 years ago

    I’m pretty sure DDG said they were censoring certain results that were misinformation related to Covid stuff.

    Some people flipped out because ddg said they were removing results for what they deemed as conspiracy theories about Covid, at least that’s what I heard.

      • Lettuce eat lettuce
        12 years ago

        Very true. Yeah I’m not saying I disagre with their choice, I just couldn’t remember akk the exact details of the drama.

        Some folks want zero “tampering” with search results. But honestly, a y search engine by definition is already curating the results before they ever get to the end user. The algos and crawler indexing they do, on top of all the ranking choices for relevance and organization is all effecting what comes back from a search.