• Melody Fwygon
    4 months ago

    I actually don’t agree with this video; and firmly believe it is more than a little biased.

    For example, the Pixel, AOSP and Android are given several undeserved points due to lack of proper information or understanding of how certain features work. I imagine this is the case too for the iPhone; if a bit less so.

    The review apparently doesn’t deep dive into settings or attempt to maximize privacy by turning off unwanted ‘features’ when settings switches are available to the user; nor does it assume that you set up accounts in as private of a manner as reasonably possible or toggle off as many default-on consent switches as needed.

    While I would support scoring and dinging each case or instance for “Privacy Settings that don’t actually work”…this video really doesn’t do a lot of legwork and leans on the anecdotal evidence of scary news stories too much.

    Worse was the fact that the entire video felt like they were shilling for Graphene OS; which is known to have a slightly unfriendly maintainer and community surrounding him to say the least.

    No mention of Lineage or other privacy oriented Android ROMs were analyzed. AOSP too, was unfairly lumped in and dinged for specific points of the Default Pixel configuration…and yes there are major differences between AOSP and Pixel Android; even though Google tries to be less in-your-face invasive than the other OEMs. Not enough credit is given for the “On-Device” smart features implemented properly on the Pixels.

    Out of personal experience; I’d actually rate a proper Lineage OS install of 4 whole Android versions ago to be more private than stock. Not quite as private as Graphene; but not quite as invasive and much more enforcing of privacy. The debloating provided by a clean AOSP-like ROM, such as Lineage, as opposed to a “Stock Android” configuration from a major OEM is stark.

    Most importantly I personally feel that the privacy model chosen for the video is far too thickly detailed for an average person. Most of the privacy concerns listed on each card contained concern points that might only tangentally apply or don’t apply at all to mobile phones. The way that each card was scored and applied felt low effort. None of the points on any of the card(s) were weighted with average users in mind.

    I really hope someone goes into a much deeper dive; this video is basically clickbait that parrots the commonly parroted advice in the privacy community; which isn’t even good advice, it’s just ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ style advice which gives the user no room to make necessary ‘Privacy vs Convenience’ tradeoffs that they themselves could have made if they understood proper threat modelling.

    • youmaynotknow
      144 months ago

      Worse was the fact that the entire video felt like they were shilling for Graphene OS; which is known to have a slightly unfriendly maintainer and community surrounding him to say the least.

      Correction, the developers, not the community, are flat out pricks (not “slightly unfriendly”), but this does nothing to remove how amazing the OS is for anyone wanting to remove themselves from all the mainstream garbage in the mobile devices scenario while being able to keep productivity with a few workarounds.

      Out of personal experience; I’d actually rate a proper Lineage OS install of 4 whole Android versions ago to be more private than stock. Not quite as private as Graphene; but not quite as invasive and much more enforcing of privacy. The debloating provided by a clean AOSP-like ROM, such as Lineage, as opposed to a “Stock Android” configuration from a major OEM is stark.

      You will see me speak about Grapheme as if it was the Holly grail of mobile OSs, and that is because I actually move between CalyxOS, stock android, grapheme and Lineage every few months, and the fact remains that you have less than half of the control on your privacy you can get on anything other than Graphene. Additionally, show me one mobile OS that has less bloat then Graphene.

      Every time I see posts slamming GrapheneOS over the toxic community (which it is not) or the devs (who are extremely toxic in my opinion), all I see is butthurt overly a sensitive individuals that are looking at the wrong thing. GrapheneOS is what Android should be, it’s that simple. All these rants about how toxic x or y is only serves to keep people starting in the privacy or security (or both) path away from what is effectively a huge leap from being invaded and helpless in the current tech and surveillance scenario to having near-complete control over their digital lives.

      • @Chulk@lemmy.ml
        64 months ago

        Correction, the developers, not the community, are flat out pricks (not “slightly unfriendly”), but this does nothing to remove how amazing the OS is for anyone wanting to remove themselves from all the mainstream garbage in the mobile devices scenario while being able to keep productivity with a few workarounds.

        Yep. I’m willing to deal with a prick developer who’s taking this on their shoulders. Theyve really produced something incredible with GrapheneOS. I’m not willing to deal with the pricks who sell my data to anyone and everyone. Especially pricks who have had contracts with various intelligence agencies.

    • Melody Fwygon
      44 months ago

      TL;DR: I think this video oversimplifies the analysis according to the cards and gives Graphene OS undue weight without going into sufficient detail as to why each scored under each category.

    • @Imprint9816@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      -14 months ago

      I’d actually rate a proper Lineage OS install of 4 whole Android versions ago to be more private than stock.

      Its always the lineageos stans that can’t take the truth.

      Would a research paper change your mind?


      According to this table, Google Pixels beat other devices listed there by far. Even Samsung S-series doesn’t look good

      What about a security expert?

      Overall, LineageOS does not leave a privacy-friendly or truly secure impression