Not sure, how long Google is at it, it may just be new to me, but today the wife googled for something, and she couldn’t get there as the response was “can not connect”. “Fix the internet NOW!”, was my order.

Analysing the link on Google’s page, it displayed the link as, but it actually goes to, which is blocked by our DNS, therefore the error.

Displaying one link, but going to another is misleading, lying, tactics of phishers and scammers, IMO.

Is this new, or is it just me, who never clicks on the first result of a Google search?

  • irotsoma
    31 month ago

    Most advertising links are routed through click tracing sites so that they can add some tracking information about what advertising campaign brought the user there and what that user does while on the site among other tracking data. In the rare cases i want to see something from an email, I never click on links, I always copy the URL being displayed and paste it. You can get email clients that have settings to warn you about this or that will automatically use the displayed link and ignore the anchor link.