Hello everyone,

I have discovered SimpleX Chat (nothing to do with XChat or HexChat, or the favorite letter of some dumb billionaire), and it appears being a legit good effort at providing good privacy while retaining “mainstream” usability.

And it has been audited (by one company so far, it seems).

The only concern I have is with regards to battery life (given that it has to maintain roughly as many open connections as you have contacts, AFAICT).

Has anyone here used it? Any opinion?

    • 7heoOP
      2 years ago

      Ooh, I forgot, I tried Jami, back when it was called Ring. Probably has changed since, I’ll give it another go.

      Edit: I did, and here is what it looks like:

      Not saying I’m gonna uninstall it right away, but I am not too sure what the only button says (I assume “start a chat” or something - it doesn’t scroll), and that doesn’t bode well for the rest… 🙃