Most servers are not able to access the Google API.
Invidious report of the same(ish) problem:
Most servers are not able to access the Google API.
Invidious report of the same(ish) problem:
You can always grab a browser extension. Apple has Vinegar, not sure what others run. Just plucks the video feed direct pretty much like Piped. So no ads. Still stuck on YT unfortunately
Would it be possible for many, many people to use yt downloaders to fetch certain categories of yt videos (Linux tutorials for example) and serve them in a decentralized media network like the fediverse? Basically a distributed, downloaded “migration” of yt content, with no central source or authority that the pipe apps can retrieve from instead of YouTube. Yet again, I’ve basically just reinvented bittorrent but for YouTube content, so maybe it’s not that practical…
Not sure it would be legal. I guess the authors of the videos should upload them themselves.
That totally sounds possible to me! The other person responding seems to not have very good reading comprehension. Yeah, the only thing stopping this would be drm but apparently most yt videos don’t have drm, since if they did, those downloader apps couldn’t work.
It’s not a half bad idea honestly.
No. They all have to connect via an API that ultimately Google controls and monitors. Unfortunately decentralized or not, they all tap into the same well.
But in any case, the extensions can’t be spotted by YT, so that’s why they have the best chance of co existing (or not easily).
Doesn’t sound like you understood the question
I understood fine. How are you getting these videos to begin with? You think Google won’t notice? And when you have them, where are you storing them?
And paying for it all, how?
Trust me. I understood just fine.
You dismissed the idea as if it weren’t possible without engaging with it. It would be possible. I’m not developing the app so I don’t feel the need to provide a detailed plan but these all are solvable problems. The biggest issue keeping it from being a reality would be the legal one.