They have a duty to moderate public-facing systems. This is a link/bookmark sharing system, so obviously bookmarks that are pointing to things that are illegal are going to be dealt with.
I’m pretty sure there are reasonable expectations by governments that you maintain adequate moderation, especially the EU. If Mozilla were to deploy a public facing system and not moderate it, they would catch hell from the EU and likely be fined out the ass.
If you’re going to store something on someone else’s computer (Google cloud), they have every right to control what is and is not allowed on their systems. Don’t like it? Use encryption, selfhost, etc…
Why not?
They have a duty to moderate public-facing systems. This is a link/bookmark sharing system, so obviously bookmarks that are pointing to things that are illegal are going to be dealt with.
They don’t have to, they choose to. You can share bookmarks on Firefox, but Mozilla doesn’t filter nor censor them Orwellian style.
Orwellian is when company does thing I don’t like
No, that’s when they’re fascists
deleted by creator
No, it’s when the company attempts to assume the role of a governing body and delves into the privacy of people’s bedrooms.
I’m pretty sure there are reasonable expectations by governments that you maintain adequate moderation, especially the EU. If Mozilla were to deploy a public facing system and not moderate it, they would catch hell from the EU and likely be fined out the ass.
OP claimed it’s his private bookmarks not facing public
the site doesn’t contain any illegal content. It’s just google being overzealous and intrusive
Google Keep Notes has a sharing note feature. You think it would ok for them to sniff what you noting and delete it if they didn’t like it?
one again - there’s nothing illegal on that website, nor is accessing it or sharing it’s address
OP is mistaken. Read the email in the screenshot.
Let’s try reading the articles before discussing them, next time.
If you’re going to store something on someone else’s computer (Google cloud), they have every right to control what is and is not allowed on their systems. Don’t like it? Use encryption, selfhost, etc…
I would love to hear that from Google’s spokesperson.
This person fucks.
Chad comment although I agree with other person that this is not the worst of Google’s crimes.