Every single comment chain on this thread besides this chain are 100% wrong and operating on misleading information. I fucking hate how up in arms people get when they don’t even have the full picture - even the basics, like having read the fucking article.
IMO defending Google is the underhanded move.
I don’t give a fuck if you like Google or not, but spreading misleading FUD is the real underhanded move.
There are plenty of valid reasons to be critical of Google. This ain’t one.
IMO targeting someone you don’t like with antipathy regardless of their actions is a sociopathic move.
Sharing misleading info means people are less likely to believe you on real issues.
Firefox IS better, Chrome’s meddling IS a problem. We don’t need to make stuff up in favor of that, and clarifying the point isn’t “defending Google”
Every single comment chain on this thread besides this chain are 100% wrong and operating on misleading information. I fucking hate how up in arms people get when they don’t even have the full picture - even the basics, like having read the fucking article.