I need a more privacy-oriented alternative to Youtube. I have try Odysee, which open-source but it has to do with tokens and that seems to me like crypto, which I don’t like. I have heard about Newpipe but this only for Android. Can you recommend me one that is also for the web and optionally open-source?
Sorry for bad english
There are two main alternatives, AFAIK:
PeerTube is a federated video sharing platform, which is based on WebTorrent and ActivityPub. There aren’t too many creators there yet, but here’s a list of the channels I follow: https://lt27.de/jAyUHD
A YouTube frontend will provide YouTube videos with no ads or tracking. Here are a few that I like:
There are also apps:
deleted by creator
Add SmartTube for Android/Google/Fire TV on there too :D
Oh thank you for your detailed response. I will try some of those YouTube frontends as soon as I can!