So my girlfriend has an Alexa and really likes it but I’m not comfortable living in a house with one. How much technical knowledge would I need to make a speaker that connects to a music player app and is voice activated because that is all she uses it for.

I figure I could hook up a raspberry pi to a speaker and add a mic and voice command software that I find somewhere but I’ve never actually done anything like this before.

How feasible is this

  • kby
    2 years ago

    If you are not in the mood for doing much tinkering, there is a German electronics manufacturer called TechniSat and they sell a multi-function radio called DIGITRADIO 3 VOICE. It has an offline voice assistant. The voice commands can be used to pause, change audio source, increase volume, etc. The radio deck has okay-ish sound, I wouldn’t call it hi-fi but it doesn’t sound like two tin cans. The function is actually for blind people (I bought one for my grandma who is legally blind), but I guess privacy enthusiasts would find it adequate, too.