I can understand parents wanting some help from official sides. They are hated no matter what they do: Controlling internet access, especially of their teenagers? Helicopter parenting, or parents on a power trip. Letting their children use the internet? Neglecting assholes. Sitting next to their teenagers while they use the internet? Overbearing creeps smothering their children and possibly jobless leeches.
Parents have to at least be able to trust content filters.
Oh this is done for the money. What wouldve been better is age restriction to the whole net, hopefully finding a way to make parents responsible for their children and what they do. But that means way less views and traffic for ads. Yes there’s “YT Kids” and such but what being on the internet has taught me is absolutely every type of online service can be exploited and attacked.
wOn’T sOmEbOdY pLeAsE tHiNk oF ThE cHiLdReN- how about doing some actual parenting? also it’s not like this will stop illegal content, what a joke
I can understand parents wanting some help from official sides. They are hated no matter what they do: Controlling internet access, especially of their teenagers? Helicopter parenting, or parents on a power trip. Letting their children use the internet? Neglecting assholes. Sitting next to their teenagers while they use the internet? Overbearing creeps smothering their children and possibly jobless leeches.
Parents have to at least be able to trust content filters.
Nice strawmen u got there, they can helicopter their dicks too idc stop controlling MY experience
Oh this is done for the money. What wouldve been better is age restriction to the whole net, hopefully finding a way to make parents responsible for their children and what they do. But that means way less views and traffic for ads. Yes there’s “YT Kids” and such but what being on the internet has taught me is absolutely every type of online service can be exploited and attacked.